Hero Of Heart 6036

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6036

In the end, Warren and Victoria had no other friends around them.

The Qing army team leader led hundreds of cavalry in pursuit.

However, because the mountains were steep and the trees were dense, they could only descend and chase on foot.

The leader shouted loudly: “Listen to you guys inside!”

“If you go out and accept surrender, I can give you a happy life.”

“Otherwise, if I catch you, I will send you to the capital to be executed!”

Currently, Victoria was being pulled by Warren and running wild in the forest.

However, there was still a broken arrow stuck in his shoulder.

It was injured by the Qing army’s cavalry archers during the retreat.

Because the Qing army was good at riding and shooting,

And they specially smeared the water of decaying corpses on the arrowheads,

The arrowheads carry many viruses and bacteria.

Victoria’s wound was black and the smell of pus kept seeping out,

And every jolt to the body would cause an intense pain in his shoulder,

And every time a great pain strikes,

His entire body would become weak and he would fall to the ground almost uncontrollably.

Luckily, Warren grabbed her hand tightly and pulled with all his strength,

So that he is not chased by the enemy.

Victoria knew that the Qing army’s bows and arrows were extremely cruel.

Even though the wound is not fatal, within a few days the wound will cause boils all over the body and take the person’s life.

Therefore, Victoria now also knows that her time is running out.

Seeing Warren was clearly much slower to save him,

He couldn’t help but choked and said:

“Warren, give me some fun and escape on my own.”

“I can’t hold on anymore. You can’t take me with you.”

“That will only drag you down…”

Warren said firmly, “I promised your brother to protect you, even if I died in battle,”

“I will die with you, otherwise how will I face Zagron in the future.”

Victoria cried and said: “Warren, Qing Gou was inhumane and slaughtered countless people in the Ming Dynasty.”

“If you and I fall into their hands, our lives will be worse than death.”

“It is better that you give me a happy life than that I fall into their hands. I will be tortured by them!”

Warren gritted his teeth and said firmly, “Victoria, you don’t need to be afraid.”

“If you and I really have no way to escape, I will give you a happy life.”

“And fight to the death with those dogs.”

“I will never let you fall into their hands!”

Currently, Galtu and his men were catching up closer and closer.

Looking at the black bloodstains that Victoria had left behind, he laughed coldly:

“Because you did not accept the toast, you will be punished with wine.”

“Then don’t blame me, Gartu, for being cruel!”

“When you two fall into the hands of our brothers, my brothers and I will definitely make the little beauty happy!”

Victoria was frightened and angry, and wailed: “Even if I am a ghost,”

“I will not let your dog go! One day, our Ming Dynasty will kill you all and drive your dog emperor out of the country!”

Galtu said coldly: “Your Ming Dynasty? Your Ming Dynasty will soon be destroyed by us now!”

“From now on, this will be our world! Everyone like you who doesn’t submit to our Manchu Qing Dynasty will be destroyed by us!”

At this time, a loud voice asked: “What? You even want to kill me?!

As he spoke, an old man in blue robes floated down from above the forest, holding a silver handle.

The long sword was very majestic and solemn.

This person was Meng Chenngseng.

Galtu didn’t expect that this old man could fall from the forest more than ten feet high without any signs of injury.

He asked carefully for a moment: “Who are you?”

Meng Changsheng said coldly: “Wild donkey, who are you qualified to ask my name?”

“You disturbed my Qing Dynasty and made such nonsense, just leave your life here to atone for your sins today!”

Gartu sneered and said: “You old man seems to think you have a long life! Come here, Kill him for me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of Qing soldiers raised their bows and arrows and aimed their arrows at Meng Changsheng.

Meng Changsheng sneered disdainfully: “How dare you flaunt your strength in front of me with just a bow and arrows?!”

After saying that, the long sword in his hand suddenly shook,

And instantly turned into dozens of rotating blades, towards several Hundreds of Qing troops roared.

Before these Qing soldiers knew what was happening, their heads had all been cut off, leaving no one alive.

Not far away, Warren and Victoria were both stunned.

They had never seen someone this strong in their entire lives, and they thought they had met a god.

At this moment, Meng Changsheng put away his long sword, came to the two of them, and asked:

“Why are you two being chased by a group of Tatar soldiers?”

Warren came to his senses first and said quickly: “Junior Warren, Thank you for saving our lives!”

“Junior and my sister fought against the Qing Dynasty together,”

“But we were not strong enough and were chased by the Qing army.”

“Thank you for saving us, otherwise the two juniors might not be safe today…”

Meng Changsheng frowned and asked, “Haven’t the Tatars always moved north?”

“This is the Shiwan Mountains, almost to the southernmost point of the Tang Dynasty.”

“How did the Tatars get here?”

Tang Dynasty?

Warren exclaimed: “Sir, this is no longer the Tang Dynasty.”

“The current palace is the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty has unified China for more than two hundred years.”

“It’s just that the traitor Revnos managed to defeat the Qing army.”

“Now, the Qing army has invaded China. Most countries…”

Meng Changsheng scolded coldly: “The current Han people can’t even defend their own country?”