Hero Of Heart 6053

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6053

Looking at the three sandalwood incense sticks that had almost burned out, Maria Lin looked very disappointed.

He said with astonishment to Charlie,

“They can even predict our countermeasures. Who exactly are they…”

Charlie shook his head,

“It’s hard to understand, it feels like someone opened God’s perspective.”

Charlie strode across the main hall,

preparing to go to the back to find out what happened,

but he was lured by a wooden door at the back of the main hall.

He carefully opened the door,

and found a small room about five to six square meters inside.

Charlie quickly looked around and realized that inside this room,

apart from simple wooden chairs and a small wooden table less than half a meter wide,

there seems to be nothing else.

But inside this room, there was a special refreshing fragrance.

Charlie looked more carefully and saw a group of wooden bracelets that were almost the same color as the wooden table.

The bracelet consists of round pieces of wood with a diameter of about one centimeter,

with varying dark brown colors, very shiny, and emitting a strong woody aroma.

This bracelet was placed in the middle of the table, like someone had left it there on purpose.

Charlie came over and took the bracelet,

feeling the soft texture of every detail as he held it.

This bracelet feels light and, coupled with its special scent,

Charlie guessed that it was made of sandalwood.

At this time, Maria Lin walked into the room, and in surprise asked,

“Where did this Sandalwood Bracelet come from, Young Master?”

Charlie turned and smiled at him,

“I found it on this table.”

Maria Lin approached and carefully asked,

“Young Master, can I take a look?”

Charlie nodded and handed her the sandalwood bracelet.

Maria Lin carefully held the bracelet in her palm, and said in surprise,

“This is the best variety of white sandalwood,

even a limited edition of Hainan white sandalwood,

even rarer than the never-before-seen variety of Hainan white sandalwood…”

“The best kind?”

Charlie asked curiously,

“Is it very expensive?”

Maria Lin replied,

“The best top grade white sandalwood bracelets that can be found on the market are usually auctioned for around tens of thousands per gram,”

“But in terms of quality, it is much lower than this one.

 I have never seen such good material before…”

Charlie was amazed,

“You have lived so long,

even when I first met you in Northern Europe,

the porcelain ware is also very rare.”

“Is there anything in this world you haven’t seen?”

Maria Lin covered her lips with her tiny hand and smiled,

“Muda Muda is too kind to my servant.”

“In this world, there are so many people who have extraordinary talents,

and most of the goods known to the world are not the best.”

“So, it’s natural that I sometimes encounter something I’ve never seen before.”

With that, he handed the bracelet back to Charlie and said,

“Young Master, this bracelet seems to be a gift from them to you.”

“You better keep it well.”

Charlie said,

“Who knows, maybe this is for you?”


Maria Lin said with a spoiled smile,

“If this was for me, I don’t think they would be able to afford it.”

Charlie asked curiously,

“Why is that?”

Maria Lin laughed,

“Young Master, just count the number of beads in this bracelet.”

“There are twenty-eight items, if I remember correctly,

Young Master just turned 28 this year, right?”

“It is as if it had been specially prepared for Young Master.”

“If it were for me, there should be at least more than three hundred grains.

That is truly excessive waste.”

Charlie was shocked.

Then immediately lowered his head to count the number of beads on the bracelet,

and indeed there are twenty-eight points.

In general,

Most of the bracelets sold on the market actually consist of nineteen items

Because most people,

Apart from looking for quality, we also look for deeper meaning in wearing bracelets.

In the Buddhist tradition, a large mala usually consists of nineteen items,

which represents one Buddha head plus eighteen great teachings.

However, this bracelet uniquely has twenty-eight items.

Because the number of items is quite large,

This bracelet is actually not suitable for wearing on the wrist,

but more suitable for holding and twirling in the hand.

Charlie couldn’t hold back and asked,

“Do you think this represents my age?”

Maria Lin nodded,

“Most likely so.”

Charlie asked again,

“Maybe this is just a coincidence, right?”

Maria Lin shook her head,

“It’s possible outside, but it’s impossible here.”

Charlie pursued, “Why is that?”

Maria Lin answered seriously,

“Young Master, you should understand that everything here is prepared for you.”

“The reason they asked me to come in was simply because I happened to be accompanying you.”

“If I wasn’t here with you,

they will definitely meet you straight away.”

Suddenly, Charlie felt a little nervous.

He felt that what Maria Lin said made sense.

However, he still didn’t understand who they really were and why they cared about him so much.

Since it started with a little nun under the mountain who automatically started a conversation with the two of them, Charlie had always wanted to know what the origins of these people were.

And now, that doubt deepens.

Just then, Maria Lin suddenly remembered something and said,

“Young Master, when I first came in,

I didn’t see anyone entering or leaving this room.”

“And look, in this room there are tables and chairs, and this bracelet.”

“I now think, at that time someone should have been here.”

Charlie nodded,

“Maybe that’s the brain behind all this.”

Holding the bracelet and twirling it around for a while, Charlie continued,

“It’s not clear why they want to hide themselves,

but I agree with you that they don’t seem to be enemies.”

“Regarding their identity, we can only wait until they appear again.”

Then, Charlie looked at Maria Lin and asked,

“Please help me think,

if I exit this door and continue into the Shiwan Dashan forest,

is it possible they will show up again to stop me?”

Maria Lin was surprised and asked,

“Young Master… you… you are serious?”

Charlie replied,

“Right now it’s just a discussion about this possibility.”

Maria Lin hesitantly said,

“Young Master, theoretically it is possible,

but I do not advise Young Master to try it…”

Charlie smiled as he looked at the bracelet on his hand,

“Don’t worry, I’m just saying this in passing.”

“I wouldn’t look down on them that much.”

After that, he kept the bracelet and said to Maria Lin,

“Let’s go to the back yard,

if there’s nothing strange, we’ll go back to Aurous Hill!

Finally, Maria Lin felt relieved and went with Charlie to the backyard of Qingzhao Monastery.

The back yard of this monastery is not very big,

only a few roofed buildings seemed to be where the nuns in the monastery lived.

However, this place has long been abandoned,

indicating that no one had lived here for a long time.

This further confirmed Maria Lin’s guess

that the two nuns he met weren’t actually nuns.

Charlie even started to doubt

had this Qingzhao Monastery been abandoned for many years

and only reactivated by them temporarily to hinder him.

The two of them didn’t find any valuable clues in the backyard,

but they saw a small path leading down from the back of the yard,

heading down the mountain.

They might have left this place via this mountain pass.

Because more than an hour has passed,

at this time, Charlie could not find any clues through this path.

And out of respect for these people,

Charlie didn’t have the mind to chase them to find out more.

Looking at the small winding path, Charlie let out a light sigh and said to Maria Lin,

“Let’s go, we’re going back to Aurous Hill.”