Hero Of Heart 6112

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6112

Meanwhile, the surface-level Zano family, under the leadership of the current generation leader, Antonio Zano, is trying hard to clean up their image and move closer to high society.

Antonio Zhano is well aware that the more powerful the elite of high society become, the more they need the mafia as a useful tool.

However, these hypocritical high society would never allow themselves to collaborate with mafia families openly.

Therefore if a mafia family wants to get their attention, the first step is to clean up their image.

A simple analogy, today’s high society does not need a chamber pot hidden under the bed that no one is allowed to see.

They needed a toilet seat that could be installed openly in the bathroom, clean and fragrant, with no odor at all.

Traditional mafia groups, are the analogy of those dirty, smelly chamber pots.

So Antonio Zano really wants to lead the Zano Family to complete the transformation of his mafia family from a smelly dark chamber pot to a bright and fragrant sitting toilet.

At this time, Antonio Zano, was leading his family members and closest staff in his family’s Manor, decorating the Manor very luxuriously.

Today, he would receive a distinguished guest who came from far away in his private Manor.

To welcome this distinguished guest, all the Zano family members had put their work on hold quickly, returning home to make preparations.

This time, the invitation of this distinguished guest was very important for the further development of the Zano family.

If cooperation between these two parties is achieved, the Zano family will rise to a higher level.

In the main room of Zano Manor, a large dining table more than ten meters long has been prepared,

the table was decorated with fresh flowers imported from France, as well as the finest crystal tableware and the finest metal cutlery.

Forty-seven year old Antonio watched the servants busy here and there with enthusiasm.

Everything had been arranged and arranged neatly, his face was full of expectant expressions.

By now, his seven or eight brothers and sisters, as well as their children and spouses, were all ready in their best clothes, and they took turns approaching Antonio to greet him.

Antonio Zano played the role of a Godfather figure well, he greeted everyone in a friendly manner, truly a polite man.

Almost all of his biological relatives had said hello, except for his twenty-two year old daughter who was nowhere to be seen.

Antonio couldn’t stand it and asked his sister,

“Marco, where is Julia?”

Marco Zano immediately answered,

“Sister, I haven’t seen Julia all night.”

“This kid!”

Antonio sighed, unable to hide his disappointment,

“He has always been obedient all his life, why should he go against me this time?”

“Does he not realize how perfect the life plan I have laid out for him is?”

Marco Zano tried to cheer up,

“Sister, Julia is still young and lacks experience in social interactions.”

“Give him some time, he will not only understand your noble efforts, but will also be very grateful to you!”


Antonio nodded slowly, then he straightened his suit, shirt and tie.

With a sense of confidence, he asked Marco,

“What do you think?”

“Now, do I look like I’m in ‘The Godfather’?”

“Yes of course!”

“Sister looks like that!” praised Marco.

Marco Zano continued flattering him,

“Brother, in all of America, even in all of Europe and America, no one is closer to Marlon Brando than big brother!”

Antonio nodded lightly, smiled placidly, and said,

“I, Antonio Zano, will become the most successful Godfather in the history of Sicily!”

At that time, Antonio’s youngest brother, Francesco Zano, came in respectfully,

“Sister, the guest plane has landed at Kennedy Airport!”

“It is estimated to arrive at Zano Manor in forty minutes!”

“Very good!”

Antonio Zano enthusiastically couldn’t hold back the joy in his heart, and exclaimed loudly:

“Can we reach a higher level?”

“All will be revealed tonight!”

With that, she fixed her hair carefully and said,

“You guys stay here, wait and watch, I’ll look for Julia!”