Hero Of Heart 6139

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6139

Daniel is not a smart person.

His biggest advantage was that he dared to kill and fight, he indeed gathered many gangsters who were loyal to him on the streets.

Coming from a grassroots background, he didn’t know much about tactics.

He just felt that if the brothers followed him and worked hard, He would not treat them badly.

If He, Daniel, had a bowl of rice, his brothers would. a sip of soup.

But Mike is much smarter than him.

When Mike graduated from high school, he was the only top student in his black neighborhood to be accepted into a serious state university that same year.

In this neighborhood, crime and divorce rates have almost reached very high numbers.

Many young people learn to shoot guns and use drugs before their hair grows.

If there weren’t gunfights in this neighborhood every day, everyone living here would have insomnia.

to not get used to it.

In such an environment, Mike was able to be admitted to university, which shows that his mind is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, after Mike went to college, he felt a huge gap in college due to his family’s poverty.

He saw rich people’s wasteful pursuit of money and the fanatical pursuit of rich people by female classmates,

but due to lack of money and skin color, he was isolated and ostracized by his classmates.

Since then Mike got lost, he started stealing things belonging to other students on campus, including cellphones, computers and bicycles, as long as they could be turned into money, he would not let them go.

So in his second year of college, he was expelled from the school.

Desperate, he simply joins a gang he meets when he clears his debts, which is a precursor to the Burning Angels.

Relying on his own mind, Mike gradually became the second-in-command of the Burning Angels, winning Daniel’s respect.

However, Mike is always worried that his second-in-command isn’t stable enough, and he feels his biggest threat is Will.

Therefore, Mike took the opportunity to say bad things about Will and asked Daniel to be more wary of Will.

But what the two of them don’t know right now is that Will’s life is on the line, and their current situation will also experience major changes.

Not long after, the two of them entered a roast goose shop.

On the first floor of the roast goose restaurant, Antonio, who had a broken leg and lost two ears, was sitting behind a table in the deepest part of the hotel, facing the door, wearing a woolen hat.

The two came in and recognized Antonio at a glance, but they didn’t feel anything strange about Antonio.

The only thing they couldn’t understand was why he was wearing a wool hat, which made him look inconspicuous.

As soon as Daniel entered, he said to Antonio very respectfully: “Hello, boss!”

Mike also said respectfully: “Hello, boss!”

Antonio looked at them both with complicated eyes and said,

“Daniel, when we arrive in Syria in the future, Don’t blame me.”

Daniel was confused and subconsciously asked:

“Boss, what do you mean? Who went to Syria? Are we going to Syria?”

Antonio took a deep breath, Charlie just said. He told him all his plans very honestly.

Tonight, he would use Antonio to invite the leaders of all the organizations under his command and the second boss one after another, and then arrest them all.

Tomorrow morning, when Joseph Wan arrives, he will take all the bosses of these gangs and let the second boss see them with his own eyes.

After witnessing the boss being taken away by Joseph Wan of the Cataclysmic Front army,

Charlie will promote this second person to be the top leader and ask them to take over their gang.

Charlie wants to use this trick to make the entire gang in New York his puppets in one night.

After this surviving second master, a completely shocked second master returned, remembering that behind Charlie there was a powerful Cataclysmic Front army,

they would never dare to disobey in the future, and would definitely obey Charlie’s orders wholeheartedly.

And the Zano family’s decades of hard work will be wiped out by Charlie after tonight.