Hero Of Heart 6149

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6149

Charlie’s tone was firm and cold, and his words were full of cold meaning, which made everyone present feel numb, and even made Todd Gilbert extremely frightened.

Todd Gilbert naturally did not want to die, nor did he want his family to be killed like the family members of others he had killed.

For a moment, he was very upset and asked Charlie for so-called justice, which became his The most regrettable and stupidest thing he has ever done in my life.

With tears streaming down her face, she knelt down and continued to bow and prostrate herself with her hands, begging for Charlie’s forgiveness, but Charlie didn’t give her a chance at all.

Seeing her not speaking, Charlie said: “Since you didn’t choose it yourself, then I will choose it for you.”

After that, he said to Joseph Wan beside him: “Just do the first thing I just did.”

Charlie said. : “Investigate clearly before doing anything, remember to take video when you do it,

show him a good look, and see what it means to treat others in his own way.”

“This guy has killed so many people, and he also has If he doesn’t survive, he can be sent on his way after his family is almost dealt with.”

Joseph Wan immediately nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, my subordinates will definitely take care!”

When Todd Gilbert heard it, Even if his relatives were killed, he still couldn’t escape death, and his whole mood was completely destroyed.

Even though he was timid and afraid of death, he still gritted his teeth and said: “I…I choose the second one…”

At this point, it’s better for one person to die than be involved in someone else’s business. death at once. Buried with family members.

Todd Gilbert can still differentiate between 1 and n+1.

Right now, he could only sacrifice himself to save his family, otherwise, judging from his actions, none of his family members would survive.

Charlie initially didn’t want to kill Todd Gilbert.

He was not Zynn, nor was he Ruoli Su who devoted himself to the Su family.

Since Todd Gilbert chose the latter, he will help him. , and also provides these people with a reminder to realize the consequences of betrayal and resistance.

So, he pointed to the ceiling fan on the roof and said to Todd Gilbert:

“I’ll have someone prepare a rope for you. You can break it yourself. “

After that, he signaled to Jordan, who immediately walked down. He went to the kitchen and found a very strong nylon rope.

Everyone turned pale with fright.

No one thought Charlie would let Todd Gilbert kill himself here.

Doesn’t that mean everyone will see him commit suicide?

And Charlie certainly thought so.

Since Todd Gilbert seeks his own death, why not let the members of this brutal New York gang witness it with their own eyes?

It would be better if it left an indelible scar in their hearts.

Soon, Jordan used nylon rope to make a tighter rope under the ceiling fan, then brought a chair and placed it under the ceiling fan.

Seeing that he had prepared all this, Charlie said to Todd Gilbert: “Everything is ready. Let’s go quietly. “

Todd Gilbert was completely limp and didn’t have the strength to get up at this time.

Charlie Then he pointed to several gang members around him and said in a cold voice: “You guys, help him up on the chair!”

The appointees did not dare to disobey, and quickly appointed Todd Gilbert to the seat.

This time, a nylon rope was placed in front of Todd Gilbert’s face.

One of them even took the initiative to put a rope around Todd Gilbert’s neck.

Todd Gilbert subconsciously wanted to hide, but when he thought of the other options Charlie had given him, he gave up in an instant.

A noose was placed around his neck. Charlie looked at him and asked: “Do you want to kick the chair yourself, or let someone else help?”

Todd Gilbert knew that he would definitely die, so he cried and said: ” Mr. Wade, Please help me…”