Hero Of Heart 6158

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6158

“Send someone?”

Stella Fei subconsciously asked him: “Mr. Wade, you…you don’t want me to send you in, right?”

“That’s right.” Charlie He said: “Please help me get a fake identity, and then send me to Brooklyn Prison.”

“I want to meet that Peter Zhou. “

Stella Fei thought for a while and said:

“Mr. Wade, may I send you in?”

“Great, but I can’t guarantee whether you will be able to see Peter Zhou after you come in.”

“After all, the situation is too special and the core members of the Rothschild family deserve to spend a lot of time.”

“to him, no matter why he offended the other party. , this problem is definitely unusual, so he should also receive special attention in Brooklyn Prison.”

“If you want to see it, it may take some effort.”

Charlie smiled and said: “No problem, we should go in first to talk about this.”

Stella Fei asked: “When does Mr. Wade want to leave?”

Charlie said firmly: “The sooner the better, can you send me before noon?”

Stella Fei also replied simply: “No problem, I will make arrangements. , please wait for my news.”

Charlie hung up the phone temporarily, and Hogan Chen asked him: “Sir, are you planning to go to prison to see Peter Zhou?” “Yes.”

Charlie said, “The person he offended was Rothchild. The De family, and also the core members, this is beyond Stella Fei’s ability.”

“At this time, there is no better way except for me to go to prison to see him.”

Hogan Chen said with a confused look: “Although Peter Zhou’s antiques business is doing well, compared with Rothschild, it is insignificant, not even a drop.”

“How could he offend a core member of the Rothschild family?”

Charlie shook his head: “I don’t know, in fact I have never been in contact with the core members of the Rothschild family.”

After that, Charlie said again:

“So I had to meet him to find out the answers I wanted to know, and also to understand why he offended the Rothschild family.”

“He was my father’s companion all his life, and he may be good to me.”

“If he’s really in big trouble, I can’t just sit idly by.”

Hogan Chen wanted to persuade Charlie not to easily conflict with the Rothschild family, but when the words came to his lips,

he swallowed it again because he thought to himself,

when Charlie first met him, he was willing to offend Gerard Liu for his own sake.

If Peter Zhou is really good to him, according to his character, he will definitely compete with the Rothschild family for Peter Zhou.

In desperation, he could only say:

“America’s prisons are a mix.”

“Now that the young master has made up his mind, please be careful and try not to reveal your true identity when you first come into contact with the Rothschild family.”

Charlie nodded and smiled:

“Uncle Chen, don’t worry, I know it well. I just asked Miss Fei to prepare a new identity for me. “

Hogan Chen hesitated for a moment and said, “Sir, how about I go with you, and we will also go with you.

“I can ask someone to look after you.”

Charlie said, “It’s okay if Uncle Chen waits for me outside. It’s more comfortable for me to do this kind of thing alone.”

“If Uncle Chen, come with me, I will devote my energy to looking after you.”

“After all, you I also said that prisons in the United States are mixed prisons, and there is no danger to me, but it is different for you.”

Hogan Chen nodded lightly, knowing that although he could help Charlie get some ideas, most of the time This would definitely cause trouble for Charlie.

The environment in the prison is a forest.

He was old and had little ability to protect himself in that environment.

So he said to Charlie: “Teacher, prisons in the United States can communicate with the outside world by telephone.”

“If you need me to do anything, please contact me anytime.”

 Charlie said “Okay.”