Hero Of Heart 6162

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6162

After that, the short-haired man said to Charlie,
“Brother. Don’t you ask why I don’t go to Los
In fact, it was Los Angeles that I visited first.
After I came from Mexico, a large group of us rushed to Los
Angeles first.
It wasn’t until we arrived that we realized that there were no jobs that paid
that high.
Ah, it was all made by that damn agency.
I slept on the street there for more than ten days.
I can only eat aid food every day.
The relief food was barely enough to fill me up.
Then I slept on the street.
That tent is not for Lao Hei.
Take it, compatriots say that the competition in Los Angeles
is too fierce, why not come to New York and try
your luck.”
Charlie asked curiously, “It’s a long way from the west coast
to the east coast, how did you get here?”
The short-haired man chuckled. “I came here to take
the train, but I was very far away. Luckily, I follow some homeless
They ride the train all day and run around. We followed them
all the way to New York, and our hands were all bald. ;”
“After that I came to New York, I really regretted how
prosperous New York was.
In such a big city, there is always a place for me to live, right?
Then I thought about looking for a job in Chinatown, and I found
that job.
I deliver food to Chinese restaurants, but I don’t have a car,
so I can’t do it with my feet.
So I just steal a bike, and I’ll get caught. “
Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Then what do you have next?
The short-haired man said sadly, “How would I know?
There’s no point in going to prison because of what I did.
Did you know, American prisons are almost overcrowded.
Illegal immigrants who commit petty theft will likely be
jailed for several days.
I was let out.
I thought they could send me back, but they didn’t
bother to take care of it now.
After I got out, I had to sleep on the street…
I wish I had known earlier that the United States was a bastard.
I won’t come even if I die. Charlie
nodded and said, “If you can find a chance, it’s better
to return to your homeland.”
The short-haired man shook his head and said, “I
want to go back, but I don’t have a passport and no money.”
“America will not deport me. How can I come back? I
can’t go back.”
in the same way. This trip cost more than 10,000
yuan. “
Charlie shrugged, “Then find a way to save
more money to come back.”
The short-haired man was about to cry. “Brother, I just
saved money for a long time to come here.”
I ate all the food I had never eaten in my life during this time.
If I save money for a long time and return, will I
be persecuted? I…”
Charlie couldn’t help laughing and asked him, “What were you
doing before coming here?”
“I? The man chuckled and said, “Construction sites,
takeaways, freelancers, group shows, I’ve done
it all.” Charlie
nodded. It was difficult for him to comment on this situation.
The life of illegal immigrants is very difficult.
Under normal circumstances, only jobs that
the lowest level in the local area do not want to do will be the turn of illegal immigrants.
Hogan Chen at that time In Hong Kong, he was a leader in finance,
but in America, he could only open a roast goose shop to make a
let alone ordinary people who had no special skills.
At this moment, the short-haired man said quietly to himself,
“I’m just speaking from my heart
. I really want to go back if I can…
This place is so different from what I imagined…”
At this time, several more illegal immigrants were taken by the police and put into
Inside, one of the yellow policemen looked at Charlie and said,
“Charlie, come out with me.”
The short-haired man asked curiously, “Brother,
what did he call you? ”
“You called me. Charlie nodded and greeted
the short-haired man, “He’s gone.”
The short-haired man said with some disappointment, “Why did you let
him out as soon as you came in? ”