Hero Of Heart 6171

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6171

Dean originally thought that Charlie would continue to torture himself to death in the future, but he didn’t expect that Charlie would actually give him a chance to do good deeds.

As a result, his life of despair seemed vague.

Excited, he nodded repeatedly without thinking, and stated sincerely, “Rest assured, sir, I will take good care of him and satisfy him!”

At this time,

John Lawrence felt his eyes darken, and he almost fainted.

He couldn’t imagine how Dean would torture him if he fell into Dean’s hands in exchange for Charlie’s appreciation.

Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and begged, “Lord, forgive me this time. I’m old and I can’t stand the problem! “

Charlie waved his hand, “It’s okay, don’t worry, you will never die.”

After saying that, he looked at Dean on the ground and said seriously, “Listen to me, no matter how hard you try, you must ensure Mr. Lawrence’s safety.”

“Do you understand?”

 Where is Dean? Dare to doubt for a moment, nodded and said,

“Listen clearly, listen clearly!”

After saying that, he immediately looked at John Lawrence, whose face was full of tears, and said, “Lawrence, don’t worry, I will be very gentle.” !

When John Lawrence heard this, instead of feeling at ease, he realized that his future would be dark.

She looked at Charlie, wanting to continue begging Charlie for mercy, and choked with tears,

“My master …”

Charlie directly reached out and interrupted, threatening in a cold voice,

“This is the best I can give you. If you do not accept the conditions, then I will add another person based on these conditions. “

After that, he pointed at Dean on the ground and said with a smile,

“I’m sure there’s a hobby like that in this cell.”

“He shouldn’t be the only one, right?”

“Isn’t the man who broke his leg also interested in this kind of thing?”

John Lawrence didn’t expect that Charlie would not give him a chance to beg for mercy. His whole body collapsed and he cried. .

And Charlie reminded him with a smile but not a smile, “Crying? You should cry too! “

As soon as John Lawrence heard this, even though his tears had already broken, the rhythm of his sobs started to run like a tractor. But he still held back his tears and held back his tears.

He knew that surrender under current conditions was the best option, and stubborn resistance would only worsen the conditions for his surrender, like Japan in 1945.

If they had surrendered honestly, they would not have been hit by two atomic bombs.

Seeing that he didn’t dare say anything else, Charlie ignored him and cleared his throat, saying coldly,

“Now I will announce something to you.

From now on, I will be in charge here.

Everyone must obey me unconditionally 24 hours a day.”

You may not refuse or disobey orders, let alone obey them,

otherwise, I can’t guarantee that your fate will be better than anyone else’s today. “

And what John Lawrence learned just now, no one in the group dared to say Say nothing,

they all nodded like an oil extraction machine at twenty times the speed.

Seeing that these people were already so amazed, Charlie was quite satisfied.

Then he cleared his throat and said in a cold voice,

“Everyone listen to my orders and stand at attention!”

After hearing this, everyone stood up as quickly as possible. Even Dean stumbled and stood at the end of the queue.

The boy whose leg was broken struggled to get up, but as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground again in pain.

Charlie glanced at him and said calmly, “You don’t need to queue. “

The man was nervous and sweating profusely.

When he heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, “Thank you, Sir!”

Charlie ignored him. Instead, he kept shouting to the others, “Everyone, turn right!”