Hero Of Heart 6259

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6259

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and his eldest son, Steve Rothschild, said respectfully outside the door:

“Dad, can I come in?”

Howard was taken aback for a moment, then closed his eyes and sighed silently, then said:


Steve pushed the door in and carefully closed the door from the inside.

He looked at Howard and said hesitantly, “Dad…”

Howard glanced at him and saw that he didn’t say anything, so he asked coldly:


“Whatever it is, tell me.”

Steve hesitated for a moment and said:

“Father… at the meeting just now, you said that whoever could find Sifang Baozhuang would become the heir of the family…”

Howard nodded silently and said calmly:

“I said that., What’s wrong?

Steve said sadly:

“Over the years, the Rothschild family has maintained the tradition of the eldest son succeeding the throne, and has arranged the order of succession.”

“Wouldn’t it be against family rules to suddenly announce this decision today…”

Howard snorted coldly:


“If the four-sided treasure building disappears, the Rothschild name will lose its glory!”

“This is the key to a family’s survival, before it, rules don’t even count! “

After that, Howard stood up and said angrily:

“Whoever can get Sifang Baozhuang back can ensure that his family continues to prosper!”

“He is definitely the number one contributor to the family!”

“It makes sense and is appropriate for him to be the heir to the head of the family!”

Steve begs:

“Father, since you ascended the throne, I have been the first heir to the Rothschild family for many years. “

“My eldest son, Royce, your eldest grandson, is a Rothschild. “

“Heir, what our father and son have received over the years is also the training and education of the heir. After years of hard work,

if some lucky bastard accidentally finds the Sifang Treasure Tower somewhere, wouldn’t it all be hard work?”

“Our father and son for so many years went to waste?”

“This… this is so unfair…”

Howard saw Steve’s sad and painful expression.

He was silent for a moment and said:

“Steve, in the face of a major family crisis, you just want to reward that brave man.”

“Besides, once those words are spoken, it feels impossible to take them back.

Steve hurriedly said, “Dad… you…”

Howard stretched out his hand to interrupt Steve’s interest, looked at him and said lightly:

“You are my eldest son, I have to give you a chance, so I can To Give a thorough explanation,

I think it is very likely that Sifang Baozhuang is still at Zhou Peter’s house.”

“Wherever others go to look for Sifang Baozhuang, they can follow him.

If you want to have a better chance of winning, just focus your energy on Peter Zhou’s house. .”

 As he spoke, he added, “I have sent a large number of people to secretly monitor the Zhou family.”

“You can go and watch him. If they can find Sifang Baozhuang in Zhou Peter’s house, the credit will be on your head. “

“In that case, you can still be first in the line of succession.”

Steve’s despairing heart suddenly glowed with hope again, and he asked eagerly:

“Dad, is everything you said true?”

Howard nodded slightly and said:

“Steve, to be honest, you are my first child and the child I love most in my heart.”

“I also hope that you can take advantage of this opportunity and inherit my position legally.”

As he spoke, Howard narrowed his eyes and reminded:

“The more times like this, the more important it is for you to lead,

attacking in battle, achieving feats unmatched by anyone,

show it to others, and leave everyone with nothing to say about you!”

“Good boy, the opportunity to do good deeds has arrived!”

Steve was slightly affected, clenched his fists and said firmly:

“Dad, don’t worry, I will do my best!” “
