Hero Of Heart 6266

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6266

Chapter 6266

Late at night, Charlie parked his car in a roadside parking lot and then disappeared at the end of the alley.

Zhou Manor was located at a U-shaped bend in the river.

This manor is right at the end in a U shape.

Therefore, the manor was not only at the end of the street, but was also surrounded by water on three sides.

Not long ago, Charlie commanded Joseph Wan remotely and used high technology combined with close-range defensive artillery to kill Jian Gongbo in Cyprus,

so he knew very well that he would not be trusted tonight,

so he didn’t go to Zhou’s house rashly, but chose to approach Zhou’s house from the embankment across the river.

At night, Charlie moves secretly while hiding his body,

he also constantly used his spiritual energy to check the surrounding situation.

When he was less than a kilometer from Zhou’s house in a straight line,

he stopped and released more spiritual energy to explore the area several hundred meters around the Zhou house.

Not long after, he found many members of the Rothschild family hiding around the Zhou residence,

some hid in cars, some hid in river embankments, some even hid in tree trunks.

In addition, there are speedboats moored on the river bank, and these speedboats even hide people inside.

Charlie continued exploring and soon saw the villa next to Zhou’s residence.

The villa looked dark from the outside, but there were forty or fifty people inside, which looked very abnormal at first glance.

Charlie immediately concluded that this should be the stronghold of the Rothschild family here, and the core members of the Rothschild family should be living in this villa at this time.

Then, Charlie carefully checked the situation of the entire villa.

There are several snipers hidden on top of the house,

they are equipped with large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles,

although it doesn’t have nearly as frightening a rate of fire as a close range defensive cannon,

its single shot power was no worse than a close range defensive cannon.

In addition, several detection devices were installed on the roof of the villa, not only monitoring the Zhou family’s house, but even the entire villa.

Charlie knew very well that he would never be able to avoid this kind of professional detection equipment.

Once his whereabouts were discovered, he would immediately be exposed.

So, how to sneak into the villa quietly has become Charlie’s biggest worry now.

Just when Charlie didn’t know what to do, a solution suddenly appeared in his mind

At this time, in the villa next to Zhou’s house,

Steve Rothschild was holding a curtain in a narrow room, every movement in the entire area was monitored via monitors.

In the picture of the surrounding environment everything is black and white, the black lines are mostly buildings, roads and trees,

while the white shadows were large and small, most of them were in the shape of humans, and a few were in the shape of birds or other small animals.

This white human-shaped figure is the Rothschild family’s men hiding throughout the Zhou family.

On these white figures, each figure has a green dot,

this was Hank’s proud friend-or-foe identification system.

The principle is to use thermal imaging to locate everyone within the coverage area,

and in this process, the friend or foe identification device worn by each person uploads their own location to the cloud server in real time,

and the cloud server receives information from each person. The identity and position of the person,

combined with thermal imaging images, can determine the appropriate identity of the white figure.

If the other party’s identity and location are consistent and the system confirms the other party’s identity, it will add a green dot to their figure to distinguish between them and the enemy;

If someone enters the monitoring range without permission, and the system cannot verify the other party,

then the identity of the other party will be immediately marked with a red dot and send an alarm to notify everyone.

Steve stared at the white figure on the screen, and said to his son Royce with some disappointment:

“Your grandfather asked us to monitor here, but I always feel this is a bit inappropriate.”

His son Roy asked curiously:

“Dad, why did you say that?”

“Where is the discrepancy?”