Hero Of Heart 6272

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6272

Steve didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and nodded quickly:

“I know…I know…”

But now, not only has he failed to complete the task, but he might even be risking my life.

He knew very well that it was impossible for him to get rid of the evil star Charlie now.

Whether he can survive in the end is still unknown.

If he knew that Sifang Baozhuang was here, he might as well start from the beginning bringing a hundred excavators and dig three feet into the ground.

If you find the Sifang Treasure Building before Charlie, your mission will be completed.

When he thought that Sifang Baozhuang was indeed in the Zhou family, he felt a little excited at first, but then he felt extremely regretful and irritated.

He didn’t think Charlie would dare to enter the circle surrounded by hundreds of people,

and he can get here calmly and in control of himself,

which was enough to show that his strength had exceeded what he had imagined.

Even though Steve guessed this level, he was still shocked by Charlie’s words.

Charlie nodded and said with a smile:

“To be honest, you are the one who is really looking for. Sifang Baozhuang is in the Zhou family!”

“And I’m here to get Sifang Baozhuang.”

Steve said honestly:

“My father revealed it to me, I said that I had the best chance of finding Sifang Baozhu here, so I came here…”

 Charlie asked again:

“Then why did you choose to stare here?”

“Instead of trying to work together with various departments to create obstacles like everyone else?”

 “Where, where…” Steve said awkwardly:

“I also had to have no choice.”

“If I lose my status as first heir, my son will no longer be eligible to inherit the family business.

I will work hard for his future.”

Charlie nodded in realization and said with a smile:

“No wonder you work hard at your age and still stay up late on the front lines.”

Steve was filled with bitterness and said with a bitter expression:

“You don’t know something…

My father suddenly announced today that if anyone can take Sifang Bao, Zhuang, will be the heir to the Rothschild family?”

“This sentence is tantamount to denying my legal status as the first heir…”

And Charlie just sat on the sofa in the room, looked at Steve in the dark, and asked:

“As the first heir to the Rothschild family, why do you still do this kind of thing yourself?”

Although this luxurious heavy-duty helicopter can accommodate more than twenty people, there are currently only two people in the large luxury cabin, Hank and Royce.

Ten minutes later, Steve’s helicopter took off from the backyard of the villa.

It was now about three hours before dawn, and Charlie decided to see if the helicopter route was possible.

Therefore, Charlie still wanted to find the safest way possible.

As long as he could secretly bring Sifang Baozhu back to China, he would fulfill Peter Zhou’s trust in him.

Currently, the big issue of the Warriors Den split has not been resolved.

If Charlie exposed himself to the Rothschild family, he would only suffer more losses.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether he can take the Sifang Baozhu.

If he used violent means to force his way out of the forbidden area with Sifang Baozhu, no one would be able to do it.

stop him Mine. There he is. His identity will also be revealed.

Charlie knew that there were hundreds of people here staring at Zhou Manor, and he could sneak into Zhou Manor with peace of mind,

but it was not possible to go to the gate of Zhou Manor calmly, and then take the square treasure banner from the stone lion in front of everyone.

 The other party respectfully says:

“Okay, boss, I understand!” Hank quickly conveyed Charlie’s original words to his men without thinking.

 Hank immediately looked at Charlie, waiting for Charlie Charlie said:

“Tell them not to deploy any more power supply trucks tonight.”

“Since the other party has broken the circuit, it proves that they will take action. Mobilizing electricity supply trucks now will not quench the thirst.”

“You all must be very vigilant and keep an eye on the Zhou family, and you must not take it lightly.”

 At this time, Hank’s walkie-talkie came with a report from his subordinates:

“Boss, I have contacted the electricity supply company.”

“The circuit is seriously damaged. The circuit across the river is broken.”

“It’s impossible to arrange tonight.”

“We have enough manpower to fix it.”

“It will wait until dawn tomorrow at the earliest.”

“Do you think we need to send an electricity supply truck?”