Hero Of Heart 6310

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6310

Nicolas An expressed the firmness of his attitude, and Marshal An beside him said without hesitation, “Father, since Charlie already has conclusive evidence, then I have the same view as you!

Marcus An nodded, “Father, like big brother, I firmly support your decision!

Duncan Li on the side smacked his lips. He knew what the old man was saying vaguely, he said, “Uncle An, I also support you, but after this matter is over, will you blame Charlie in the future?

Nicolas An waved his hand, “The An family will not lack this basic assessment. You will definitely understand.”

Having said that, Nicolas An added, “But apart from Charlie, only the four of us know about this matter.

Once it’s over, no matter what Tece thinks, we shouldn’t mention it, and everyone will understand it tacitly. The three of them nodded together.

Tacit understanding is the best solution for this kind of thing.

So, Nicolas An paused for a few seconds, silently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and sent a message back to Charlie with a firm expression, “Charlie, if you can guarantee your own safety, kill Chen Zhimin if you can!

Then, he sent another message to Charlie, “Charlie, when you kill him, greet him for me!

Nicolas once thought highly of Chen Zhimin.

He felt that although Chen Zhimin’s family background was average, he was very talented, capable, and knowledgeable when he was young.

In Nicolas An’s view, the shadow of Changying Wade can be seen in Chen Zhimin.

Back then, Changying Wade and his daughter had been killed. Even though he was sad, he felt somewhat comforted when he saw Chen Zhimin.

It was precisely because he had always been extremely guilty towards Changying Wade that Nicolas An couldn’t help but regard Chen Zhimin as his own, cultivate him wholeheartedly, completely trust him, and completely regard him as his own son.

However, when Charlie told him that there was convincing evidence that Chen Zhimin was an undercover Warriors Den agent, he felt deeply betrayed and a little regretful.

It was because he thought that with Chen Zhimin, he had made up for the regret he felt towards Changying Wade to some extent.

But now, everything is in vain because of his own dreams.

It made him feel even more ashamed of Changying Wade.

Because such a good son-in-law is rarely found among ten thousand people, but he himself disappointed him.

And Chen Zhimin whom he had treated sincerely for many years, turned out to be a wolf cub with deep hidden intentions and evil intentions.

This not only strengthened his guilt towards Changying Wade, but also strengthened his grievances against himself.

Marshal An saw that his father suddenly looked haggard and old.

She thought that he was blaming himself for what happened to Chen Zhimin, so she immediately stepped forward to support him and said softly, “Dad, everything in the past is a foregone conclusion, so don’t overdo it.

I was drowning in the past, but fortunately these things can still be redeemed.”

Nicolas An let out a weak sigh and muttered, “Many things have passed. I apologize to Chang Ying.

I will never have the chance to fix this problem in this life…”

Marshal An was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that his father was sad and blamed himself not because of Chen Zhimin, but because of Changying Wade.

It has been twenty years since Changying Wade died, there is indeed no chance to atone for the mistakes made back then.

At this time, Marcus An stepped forward and whispered, “Dad, despite having no chance to make amends to sister-in-law, Charlie is still here.

He is the blood of brother-in-law. From now on our An Family, from top to bottom, will do our best to make up for Charlie.”

“This is the best compensation for sister-in-law.”