Hero Of Heart 6334

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6334

After that, Chen Zhimin opened the Dunhill lighter in his hand, rubbed his fingers gently, and a flame burst out of the lighter.

This was Charlie’s last order to him, which was to let him burn himself and Javren’s body with the missing parts.

The reason why Charlie gave him this order was because he didn’t want to hand over his and Javren’s bodies to Victoria.

With Victoria’s cultivation and skills, Charlie was worried that he could find some clues from the two bodies.

Especially Chen Zhimin, he used spiritual energy to give him psychological suggestions.

If Victoria were allowed to have contact with the corpse, she might be able to see it.

Therefore, the best way is to directly destroy the corpse and remove any traces of it.

As flames spurted out of the lighter, the oil and gas in the entire cabin burned completely in an instant.

With a bang, a jet of flame burst out of the cabin door, instantly igniting the fuel that flowed to the ground.

Hank and the people around him were horrified and immediately left the hangar.

Within seconds, the entire hangar was immediately engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

The fire extinguishing system in the hangar was activated instantly, but it had no effect at all on such a fierce fire.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees directly carbonized the dismembered bodies of Chen Zhimin and Jermo.

Hank, who was hiding outside the hangar, saw this and retreated while immediately calling Howard.

As soon as Howard answered the phone, he asked coldly: “Have you found that Chen Zhimin?”

Hank said awkwardly: “Master, Chen Zhimin found it…but…”

Howard asked sharply: “But what!? I told you, if anything goes wrong again in this matter, I will never forgive you!”

Hank stuttered and said, “But…but this guy burned himself before we could catch him…”

“Burned himself?” Howard asked in surprise, “What do you mean?”

Hank explained: “Like a madman, he filled the cabin with fuel, stayed inside and set the entire helicopter and the entire hangar on fire…

Apart from that, I also saw fire in the cabin.

That figure, maybe it was Peter Zhou… Both of them must have burned to death by now, maybe they have all been burned to charcoal…”

Howard was stunned and subconsciously asked: “Are you kidding me?

He is just Peter Zhou. His dignified son-in-law in the An Family is so respected by Nicolas An that he would burn himself to death?”

“I can’t understand it either…” Hank said, remembering something, and hurriedly said: “By the way, boss, Chen Zhimin said that he doesn’t work for the An family.”

“What do you mean?” Howard felt like his brain was going to explode and asked, “Then who does he work for?”

Hank then said: “He said it was a group called Warriors Den, which I had never heard of.

Moreover, he also said that he would take Peter Zhou to return his life to the British Lord or something. After that, he ordered himself……”

Howard on the other end of the phone felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he muttered: “You…what did you say?

Destroying the Warriors Den Dynasty?

Are you sure you heard that right?”

Hank assured: “Don’t worry, sir, I definitely heard it right!

That is what he said, and others were with me, and they could testify for me…”

Howard stiffened and he exclaimed: “What did you say? Is there anyone else?”

“Yes…” Hank said: “They are all my subordinates.

They came with me to carry out the tasks you ordered…”

Howard felt that someone had opened the Tianling cover outside the room on a cold winter day, and a cold wind blew in straight away.

He was so frightened that he immediately said: “Hurry up, bring everyone back, there is no one left!

Moreover, they must be removed.”

All their phones have also been removed and they will never be allowed to contact anyone!”