Hero Of Heart 6353

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6353

Scouts in New York quickly searched for some valuable clues.

The first clue was that the General Aviation Company’s monitoring system was ordered to shut down last night.

Therefore, there were no monitoring records left in the General Aviation Company, and the person who ordered the shutdown of the monitoring system, turned out to be Chen Zhimin himself.

Soon after, scouts at the general aviation company’s location sent back news.

Because the scene was almost completely burned, it was indeed difficult to find any valuable clues.

They sent people to sneak into the fire scene, took advantage of the chaos to collect some samples from the scene, and used Luminol Reagent for rapid testing.

Luminol reagent is one of the most common detection methods in criminal investigations.

This reagent can use a special chemical reaction that causes the hemoglobin in the blood to react with it to emit blue light, thereby identifying the presence of blood.

Even traces of blood stains after cleaning can be detected, may appear.

However, the entire scene has been specially cleaned by professionals from the Rothschild family.

Not to mention that the bloodstains could not be detected, even the DNA had been removed, so the scouts found no evidence of anyone’s presence at the place. fire scene.

After Wu Tianlin conveyed this result to Victoria, Victoria immediately frowned and asked: “There were really no casualties at the fire site?!”

Wu Tianlin replied: “Returning to the British Master, so far, no clues regarding personnel have been found at the scene, not even a strand of hair was burned by the fire.”

Victoria said coldly: “Impossible. Since the opponent set fire, it must be to destroy the clue, otherwise, why bother?

In master play, there are no wasted moves!”

After that, Victoria said again: “Let them check it again quickly!

Check the employees of the general aviation company, who were on duty yesterday, who they saw, and what was abnormal, ask them all!”

Wu Tianlin hurriedly said: “Okay, Lord Ying, my subordinates will explain now!”

Soon, the scout followed Victoria’s request, asking questions and sending back the news.

After Wu Tianlin received the news, he was shocked and immediately reported to Victoria:

“Master Ying, there is news!

Last night, Chen Zhimin personally arranged the helicopter.

He asked General Aviation Company pilots to fly helicopters around Manhattan Hospital. The helicopter received him then headed straight to the roof of Manhattan Hospital.”

Victoria frowned: “Then what?”

Wu Tianlin said: “Then Chen Zhimin sent the pilot away. That means he can control the helicopter himself.

The pilot did not dare to disobey, so he left the helicopter with him and went straight away.”

Victoria asked again: “What other clues did the pilot know?”

 “No longer.” Wu Tianlin said: “After the pilot left the hospital, he took a taxi home to rest. He was summoned by the police today to assist with the investigation.”

As he spoke, Wu Tianlin added:

“The police are also investigating employees on duty in the hangar this morning.

The other party said that before dawn, Chen Zhimin drove the helicopter back to the general aviation company alone.

After he pulled the helicopter into the hangar, Chen Zhimin told him to leave.

After leaving, it didn’t take long for the hangar to catch fire, and the fire was very strong as soon as it ignited, as if it were man-made.”

Victoria was silent for a moment, then said sadly:

“It seems Chen Zhimin and Javren are dead.

I really didn’t expect that the four great earls under my command Warriors Den had been in the world for decades without a single defeat.

I didn’t think they would be here.”

“They fell one after another in such a short time.”

Speaking of this, he clenched his fists and growled with a fierce expression:

“What I can’t accept the most is that four people have died.

I didn’t even touch their shadows. What is his name, and who are his subordinates?”

I don’t know how many people there are!

In the past three hundred years, except for the time I was chased into the Hundred Thousand Mountains by the Qing army, I have never been as passive as I am today! Damn him!”