Hero Of Heart 6365

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6365

The soldier shook his head: “Our person in charge has clear regulations that helicopters and individuals arriving here for inspection must undergo very strict inspection.

The helicopter and passengers can only leave after at least three soldiers in charge of the inspection confirm that they are at the same time correct.”

Victoria gritted her teeth and said, “If I ask your soldiers in charge of inspection to let me go, can I go?”

“No.” The soldier said: “It’s not just us who are in charge here, but also the NYPD and the Rothschild family.

They require that inspections must be carried out sequentially.

Whichever helicopter is to be inspected, they will send a representative. and More than a dozen of our soldiers surrounded the helicopter with professional equipment and carried out a detailed inspection of the helicopter and its passengers.”

Victoria didn’t expect the situation to be more troublesome than she imagined, so she couldn’t help asking: “Can you check my helicopter first, and let me go first after the inspection is finished?”

The soldier shook his head without hesitation and said: “No, because there is a rule that no one can jump in the queue.

Inspections must be carried out in the order of landing, and the order is supervised by three parties, and other helicopters in line will also be supervised, so that no one can cut the queue in any form.”

Victoria asked angrily: “Can I sneak out of here quietly?”

The soldier shook his head and said: “Which helicopter is inspected, the personnel on board can open the cabin door, leave the cabin and undergo a body search.

People in other helicopters who weren’t already in line couldn’t even open the windows, let alone get out of the helicopter.”

Victoria asked again: “What if you don’t say it?”

The soldier shook his head again: “It’s useless if I don’t say anything. Other people will stop them if they see them.”

Victoria asked again: “What if other people see it and don’t say anything?”

What Victoria was thinking right now was that at worst she could control more people, as long as she could find a way out of here.

The soldier said: “Then there are people from the Rothschild family.

Their people were scattered all over the place, and they also had people in several tall buildings nearby.

Even we don’t know exactly where they are, and their people are not very clear at all.”

They constantly monitor every movement of every helicopter here.

If you push the door to leave before they detect you, they will lock you in and at least a hundred people will be watching you, stealthily or surreptitiously watching your every move.”

As he spoke, the soldier added: “Actually, before yesterday, it was possible to sneak out secretly,

but the Rothschilds only used the artificial intelligence technology they invested in Silicon Valley this morning to use artificial intelligence for AI monitoring. , their artificial intelligence system can actively and intelligently monitor every helicopter that lands;”

“To put it bluntly, your helicopter has been automatically locked by AI when landing, and AI can automatically track the outline of the helicopter and lock onto it within a few milliseconds.

After the main part of the helicopter If there is any change in outline, the AI ​​will immediately alert the Rothschilds, the NYPD, and us at the same time;”

“As long as you put down the window and stick your finger out of the window gap, the AI ​​will determine that the outline of the target subject has changed and immediately trigger an alarm, let alone the person coming out of it. .”