Hero Of Heart 6376

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6376

Victoria released a large amount of spiritual energy in one breath, covering the entire airport.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn’t help frowning, and thought to himself: “Why is there no existence related to spiritual energy except for my own spiritual energy? “

The Sifang Baozhuang is a magical weapon, and it was jointly made by many monks with great supernatural powers in the Tang Dynasty. There must be many formations in it, and it can be sensed with spiritual energy, and must be detected. direct.

However, wherever Victoria’s spiritual energy went, there was dead silence everywhere, like fire passing through scorched earth, unable to find anything to ignite.

Victoria’s heart skipped a beat, and then she began to search everyone at the airport more carefully to see if Chen Zhimin and Javren were here.

However, after a search, Victoria found no trace of the two of them.

This made his mood immediately sink to the bottom.

He said with a gloomy expression: “I worked hard to get here, but I didn’t expect it to be a trap set by the other party!”

Wu Tianlin on the side was nervous and asked quickly: “Master Ying, why do you say this?”

Victoria clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said, “The one I’m looking for is not here, and Chen Zhimin and Javren are not here either.”

As she spoke, Victoria said angrily: “Since Chen Zhimin is not on this plane, he must be dead.

The reason why he rented this plane was definitely not his intention. Most likely he was forced or under the influence of someone else.”

People manipulate me, and the reason why others do this is to disturb my judgment and make me miss!”

Wu Tianlin was shocked after hearing this and exclaimed: “Master Ying, is this a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?!”

Victoria said with a serious expression: “Whether I try to lure the tigers away from the mountains or not depends on whether they know that I have come to America!”

Thinking of this, Victoria asked Wu Tianlin: “If you were that mysterious person, and the four great earls all died in your hands, who else in the Warriors Den Society would make you afraid?”

Wu Tianlin said: “Returning to Lord Ying, if your subordinate is a mysterious person and the four great earls have been killed by me, then the only person I fear in the Warriors Den Society is you, Lord Ying.”

With that said, Wu Tianlin added: “As for the three elders, they have been in seclusion for hundreds of years.

Even though they had come out of seclusion last time, they had immediately returned to base.

Moreover, few people in the Warriors Den Association knew about their situation, and the mysterious person probably didn’t know about it.

The existence of the three elders, and the subordinates thought that with his strength, he should have already opened the Niwan Palace.

The three elders are still close to opening the Niwan Palace, so this subordinate thinks that even if he knows the three, the Great Elder will not be afraid.”

Victoria’s expression became even uglier, and she gritted her teeth and said, “If the only thing he’s afraid of is me, maybe he already knew that I would come, so he did this on purpose.”

Wu Tianlin said respectfully: “Master Ying, I feel like he might not really know that you are coming.

Asking Chen Zhimin to charter this plane is probably just to interfere with our judgment, and may not be aimed at your behavior.”

Victoria said coldly: “You have to investigate carefully to see where the news of my coming to the United States leaked.

If someone leaks the secret, no matter who it is, they will be killed without mercy!”

Wu Tianlin said hurriedly: “Mr. Ying, when you come to the United States this time, you should only know your subordinates and crew members, but I feel that the crew members will not leak the secret…”

Victoria gritted her teeth and said: “No matter what, just kill all the crew members and replace them with a new group.”

Wu Tianlin said without hesitation: “I obey your orders!”

After saying that, Wu Tianlin asked him again: “Master Ying, what should we do next?”

Victoria said coldly: “Go back to New York!

The Rothschilds have blocked New York so tightly that even I cannot avoid their inspection.

If that guy really did leave New York with what I was looking for, he would just do it. That’s even more difficult.

Maybe, he is still hiding in New York, waiting for an opportunity!

This time when I come to New York, I must find the treasure!”