Hero Of Heart 6378

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6378

When she learned that Sifang Baozhuan had returned to China, Victoria knew that she had no chance.

For more than three hundred years, he has always adhered to one goal, that is, he can be anyone’s enemy, but he can never provoke a country.

Except for a few small countries, most of the world’s sovereign countries have an absolute advantage over Warriors Den.

Because even small sovereign countries have their own territory and airspace. As long as you have the budget, you can definitely buy fighter jets from big countries in the East or West. If you have a water area, that’s also possible. bought his own warship.

These two points are beyond the reach of the Warriors Den community.

Although the current Qing Warriors Den has strong financial strength and excellent individual strength, it has no advantage at all in the face of heavy weapons and equipment, or even weapons of mass destruction.

Moreover, the Sifang Baozhu is an important weapon of the country, and China will definitely not let it be in danger.

It must be closely guarded in a secret location.

Even if the Qing Dynasty mobilized all its troops, there was no possibility of capturing it.

At this time, Victoria was very angry!

This time I came to New York, I was really exhausted!

The only remaining count was dead, and so was Chen Zhimin!

He has placed many scholars around the world.

There were almost only a handful of people as important as Chen Zhimin.

It took dozens of people and more than ten years to build it.

Now they too are in the ashes. At the end of his life in the An Family One chess piece was also lost.

Wu Tianlin saw that his emotions were almost out of control, so he quickly said: “Master Ying, since the matter has reached this point, my subordinates suggest that for the sake of safety, we should leave the United States and return to the base first.

What do you think?”

Victoria said with a cold face: “Javren and Chen Zhimin died in New York.

Starting from Uncle Jian Gong, the enemy has repeatedly hit us hard. I have to solve this problem!”

Then, he said with a sarcastic expression: “There is also the Rothschild family inspecting my helicopter.

I, Victoria, never get angry with me wherever I go. I must make them pay the price this time!”

After saying that, Victoria shouted coldly: “Go back to New York!”

When Victoria returned to New York by helicopter, the head of the Rothschild family, Howard Rothschild, was lying weakly on the bed, the bags under his eyes were dark and large, and it seemed that he had not slept all night.

Howard’s mentality has been taking a beating recently, and the continuous beating reached its climax early this morning.

He never expected that when his subordinate Hank was chasing Peter Zhou, Chen Zhimin actually set himself on fire.

After learning that he was actually the one who destroyed Qing Society, Howard was even more heartbroken.

Even though he had followed Nicolas An’s advice and destroyed the evidence at the scene, he still felt uneasy because this time he had not offended an ordinary person, but the long-established and extremely mysterious Warriors Den Society.

In the United States, there is actually no shortage of mysterious organizations with a long, dark, and cruel history, but none of them can match the Qing Dynasty Society.

Currently, he was not sure whether the other party would find out about it, if he did, the matter would not be resolved so easily.

To ensure his own safety, he contacted the heads of the Department of Homeland Security and the CIA after the incident this morning and asked them to send their best agents and most professional equipment to the Rothschild family estate to ensure his safety. about yourself and your family.