Hero Of Heart 6388

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6388

At this time, if eldest brother Steve made the mistake of being praised by everyone, he would probably be thrown into the cold palace by the old man.

In fact, David did not want to compete for the position of heir, he just felt that the continuation of the old man’s reign was the best condition for his sons who were not heirs, much better than any of his brothers succeeding to the throne.

When Steve saw so many brothers surrounding him like stars, he naturally felt very happy.

In recent decades, everyone was a brother, and there was always no class gap between them.

Now, he will finally take that important step.

From now on, these people were no longer his brothers, but his ministers. .

However, when Steve came, he had just been warned by Charlie, and the corners of his mouth that could not be suppressed were suppressed, and his impetuous and excited heart calmed down a lot, so he was praised by everyone at this time.

Even though he benefited from it, his brows were always furrowed, with an anxious and sad expression on his face.

Immediately, he shook his head with a painful expression and said: “You idiots must remember that at any time, my father is the only leader of the Rothschild family, the backbone of all of us, and the entire family. Hope of the Rothschild Family.”

Everyone who praised Steve falsely was stunned at this moment.

The first thought that crosses everyone’s mind is, Ouch?

The current Steve is no longer the Steve they knew.

Current Steve is a bit scary because of his deep city.

He could directly say such words. Is he still human?

At this moment, Steve asked very anxiously: “Can any of you tell me how my father is now?

What did the medical team say?

Can I go in to visit my parents?”

Steve asked several questions in a row, quickly, loudly and emotionally.

In the ears of the other brothers, it was like the British soldiers in World War I heard the madness of the German Maxim heavy machine gun firing nearly a thousand rounds per minute. roar.

David was the most panicked, he really didn’t expect everyone to praise Steve, but Steve didn’t want to accept that at all.

Not only did he not accept this trick, but he suddenly counterattacked.

As long as the old man heard his rapid fire from Maxim, according to the old man, it meant that he and the rest of his brothers ignored the old man who was lying sick and instead immediately fawned over his eldest brother, Steve.

Doesn’t this mean stealing chicken but losing rice?

Just when David didn’t know how to answer, the door of the special care unit suddenly opened, and a doctor came out and said: “Mr. Steve Rothschild, your father wants to see you!”

When Steve heard this, he got even more excited and thought: “Good, it seems the old man heard what I just said!”

David on the other hand looked frustrated, if he knew the result would be like this, even if he was beaten to death, he would not praise his older brother.

Soon, Steve stepped into the ward and saw his father in the hospital bed who already had a resemblance to Hawking.

Howard was just in the hospital bed when he heard the noise outside and was very satisfied with Steve’s performance.

In this world, almost all top family leaders had the same contradictory and complex mentality when facing their chosen heirs.

On the one hand, he really wanted to pass on the position of family head to him in the future, but on the other hand, he didn’t want him to succeed too early, and he wanted to delay it as long as possible.

Moreover, he didn’t want to show any excitement and hope for inheriting the position of family head, and he didn’t want him to behave arrogantly before inheriting the position of family head.

If Steve dared to follow his younger brothers’ praise and speak polite words outside, Howard would be very angry and full of anger and dissatisfaction towards him.

Fortunately, Steve’s performance exceeded his expectations and he thought it was perfect.