Hero Of Hearts 6399

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6399

However, Charlie didn’t feel guilty about this, because he knew very well that the Rothschild family was completely innocent.

If they didn’t go all out to find Peter Zhou, how could they have anything to do with Warriors Den?

Everything is just their own fault.

For Charlie, this trip to the United States was full of rewards.

He rescued Peter Zhou, sent him back to Sifang Baozhu, and killed Chen Zhimin and Javren.

Chen Zhimin was the biggest enemy of the An family, and Javren was the last earl of Victoria. Now that both of them were eliminated, this was a huge loss for Warriors Den.

The only people who could still make Charlie feel threatened by the Warriors Den Meeting at this time were the three elders who were about to open the Niwan Palace, apart from Victoria herself.

Charlie was in no rush to continue fighting the guerrilla war with the Warriors Den.

He felt now was a good opportunity for both sides to make a temporary ceasefire.

 Victoria does not dare to get involved in China.

After he returns, he can study in peace the “Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra” in Aurous Hill.”, and at the same time,

studying the photo album his father left behind to see if there were any other clues.

What’s more, China is now safe.

Charlie felt it was time for his wife Claire to come home.

He asked Stella Fei to invite him to America for many days, and he missed her very much.

So, he used the satellite network on the special plane to make a WeChat call to Stella Fei.

The phone was connected and Stella Fei’s voice came over: “Mr. Wade, do you have anything to do with me?”

Charlie asked her: “Miss Fei, how is the progress of your current project? When can Claire leave?”

Stella Fei thought for a while and replied respectfully: “Mr. Wade, Claire plays a more important role in this project.

He was one of the three core designers, and the project was huge.

If we really want to complete the initial design of the Works and all the handovers before construction it will take at least half a year.”

Charlie asked: “Is there any way for him to escape smoothly?”

Stella Fei said helplessly: “If I clash with Claire and drive her away, she can escape smoothly, but that would be too cruel.

If I chase someone away without a suitable reason, I won’t be able to make friends in the future. “

Charlie said: “Don’t be too extreme, otherwise he will definitely feel uncomfortable.”

After saying that, Charlie asked him again: “How much is your investment in this project?”

Stella Fei said: “Probably around one billion US dollars. Currently, 300 million has been invested.”

Charlie said, “Let’s do it. I will pay one billion US dollars.

Please resolve some contract issues first.

Let’s say there is a legal dispute regarding the procedures for obtaining land.

At this time, the project needs to be paused and the legal team will follow up to resolve the dispute.

Continue starting the project, then you temporarily stop the project and let Claire return to Aurous Hill first.

Then you can start over when the time is right.

When the time comes, you step forward and ask him to continue helping you complete the project.

I’ll let Claire politely decline. “

In Charlie’s view, doing something is a matter of rushing, then failing, and then exhaustion.

 When he goes to help his friend on a project, he naturally wants to get rid of him at once.

However, if something goes wrong in the middle, he has to go back first, and this energy will be lost.

He would relax, and he could ask Stella Fei to stop the project for a longer period of time, and then suddenly start it when his wife Claire had more things to do,

even if the wife wants it, it will be difficult to let go.

In addition, Stella Fei asked Claire for help in the name of “emergency”.

Once the project was put on hold, he would have enough reasons to finish it slowly.

At that time, whether Claire could help or not wouldn’t really matter.