Hero Of Hearts 6401

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6401

Because Charlie is not in Aurous Hill, Ito Nanako has been studying martial arts wholeheartedly for the past few days. She just lives in the Champs Elysees dormitory most of the time, and only occasionally comes back to accompany her father.

Yesterday, Takehiko Ito missed his daughter, so he had someone prepare a sumptuous Japanese banquet. He called Nanako Ito back, and the father and daughter ate together.

Banquets are generally luxurious and elaborate, and eating in two or three hours is the norm, so Ito Nanako did not rush back to the Champs Elysees last night, but stayed at home for one night.

So as not to delay his morning training, he immediately rose at dawn, took a quick shower, and prepared to ride up the Champs-Elysees.

When taking the elevator to the basement and passing the ninth floor, the elevator slowly stopped, the car door opened, and a young woman about the same age as Ito Nanako got into the elevator.

Ito Nanako didn’t pay attention.

The woman entered the elevator while making a phone call and said mysteriously:

“Oh, I didn’t expect it to happen so early.

I just heard from a layman inside Qixia Temple that the famous Master Jingqing was taught by Master Jingqing.”

 I have been invited to come to Qixia Temple to give a lecture.

I’ll be there in an hour or two.

I heard that I would take time to sanctify and bless the faithful.

Amulet purified and blessed by Master Jingqing is very effective.

 I plan to ask one for my husband.

He lives in the world every year. Flying and running everywhere, asking for talismans to protect and protect him.”

Another woman on the other end of the phone asked curiously: “You can get talismans from every temple. What is so surprising about the talisman blessed by Master Jingqing?”

The woman said: “Teacher Jingqing is very famous.

He was invited to spread Buddhism throughout the world throughout the year.

Every time he lectured, he would consecrate and bless magic weapons for several believers for free.

He lectured at Mount Putuo a while ago, and tickets to Mount Putuo were sold out for a week.

The magical weapons he blessed were resold among the faithful for prices ranging from six figures.”

While saying that, the woman continued: “Xinxin helped her husband ask for the talisman consecrated by Master Jingqing on Mount Wutai last year.

Last year, he was involved in a series of car accidents on the highway and was hit from behind by an overloaded truck.

Eight people in three cars survived. There was nothing wrong with him, but the talisman was broken.

Do you think this thing is quite effective?”

The woman said in surprise: “I only knew that her husband had a car accident last year, but I didn’t know.”

At this time, the elevator had reached the underground garage. After the elevator door opened, the woman walked out and said, “Master’s visit to Aurous Hill has not been publicized. It is estimated that it will be announced to the public tonight.” .

Once this news is announced, people around will There may be devout believers from hundreds of kilometers away who want to meet Master, and it will be difficult to arrange a meeting at that time,

so I plan to go there early and wait, and if you are interested, we will go there together.”

Nanako Ito followed the woman out of the elevator. He had been studying martial arts recently, and his hearing had also improved, so he could still hear the woman on the phone saying excitedly:

“Then I will prepare now. Where we can meet? “

The woman said: “Now go to the community gate, and I will pick you up there.”

Hearing this, Nanako Ito was secretly moved.

Inspired by her mother’s memories from her lifetime, she has always believed in Buddhism and can be considered a devout Buddhist.

When I’m in Kyoto, I often go to Kinkakuji Temple to worship Buddha and make offerings.