Hero Of Hearts 6402

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6402

Last time, for Charlie, Nanako Ito went to Kinkakuji Temple to pray for the government guards for him.

Now he suddenly heard that a famous monk from China would come to Qixia Temple to give a lecture and was also blessed with an amulet.

The first thing he thought of was to ask Charlie for one.

Although Charlie’s power is already the strongest Nanako has ever had, in her opinion, the theological or metaphysical blessing of religion itself is another kind of soft power beyond hard power, in a sense, is also important.

It’s like, even though soldiers have powerful weapons and equipment, they still pray for God’s blessings deep in their hearts before leaving for the battlefield.

So, Nanako Ito took two steps quickly, caught up with the woman in front of her, and said with an apologetic look:

“Sorry to bother you, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your phone call, I just heard you talking about the talisman, so I wanted to ask you a question.

How can I ask Master Jingqing to consecrate and bless an amulet?”

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile:

“Simple. You go directly to the Fawu Circulation Office in Qixia Temple and say that you are invited to visit Master Jingqing.

The teacher there will take you to Xiangtang to wait.

Knowing this Not many people have news, so you should have a chance if you go early!

Nanako Ito quickly thanked: “Thank you very much!”

 “You’re welcome,” the woman said with a smile, “You live here too, we should be neighbors, right?”

“Yes.” Nanako Ito nodded and said, “My house is on the 21st floor.”

The woman smiled and said: “I live on the ninth floor. I just bought it and moved here a few days ago.

My husband is busy with business elsewhere all year round.

Basically I live here alone.

You can come and play with me when you have time.”

After that, the other party did not wait for Nanako Ito’s answer, and said:

“Let’s not chat for now. I have to immediately pick up my friend.

The house is in the opposite direction to the Purple Mountain. It will take a lot of time on the way. You’d better leave quickly first. The sooner the better.”

Nanako Ito quickly thanked him and watched the other party get in the car and leave, then he got in the car and started the car to go to Qixia Temple.

The two cars left Tomson Yipin’s basement one after another, then one went left and the other went right, and soon the distance became wider.

After driving for a few minutes, the woman in the car in front picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After the call was connected, he said, “Sister Sun, Nanako Ito should have already left for Qixia Temple.”

On the other hand, after receiving the call, Sister Sun said, “Okay, I understand. He doesn’t doubt you, does he?”

The woman replied: “Probably not. Moreover, despite suspicions, it can withstand scrutiny.

I’ve been staying here for a few days, so I’m not afraid of him checking it out.”

Sister Sun smiled faintly and said: “Alright, pick up Willson Liu and come here as usual.

But if everything goes well, Nanako Ito should have left by the time you arrive.

But for the whole show, you come first and then talk about it.”

“Okay, Sister Sun.”

After hanging up the phone, Sister Sun immediately came to Margaret An’s side and said respectfully:

“Madam, Miss Ito should be on her way here.

You had a lot of foresight when you asked someone to immediately buy the house downstairs from Ito’s house.

when you arrive at Aurous Hill.”

Margaret An smiled slightly and said, “This is not about short-sightedness.

I just really liked this girl, so I was determined to take one more step.”

Sister Sun asked tentatively: “Madam, which do you prefer, Miss Ito or Miss Gu?”

Margaret An shook her head and said with a smile:

“Sister Sun, you embarrass me.

Sarah is the baby girl I chose for Charlie.

She has been like my own daughter in my eyes since she was little. He has halos in my eyes.” ,

which other girls don’t have, and for years, everyone thought Charlie was long dead, but Sarah and the whole Gu family still obeyed the engagement.

This is beyond words, a friend in need is indeed a friend, plus He gets better and better over the years, so of course I like him very much.”

After saying that, Margaret An couldn’t help but sighed and said quietly:

 “But having said that, as an observer over the years, I have watched Charlie suffer, watched Charlie suffer, and watched Charlie reach the top step by step.

To this day, if you ask me to objectively judge who is more suitable to join hands with Charlie,

“I will say without hesitation that it is not Claire or Sarah Gu, but Nanako Ito!”