Hero Of Hearts 6404

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6404

Speaking of this, Margaret An paused for a moment and then continued: “I wanted to tell him that sometime before Chang Ying met me,

she was touched by his persistence and madness over the years, and she also thought about being with him.

Let’s finish this life hand in hand;”

“It’s just that when Changying was about to make a decision, fate brought him and me together.

As a result, his years of hard work did not bear fruit, but he did not expect that he was so close to the result he most desired…. “

Sister Sun asked her: “Madam, if that day comes, will Haiqing Du misunderstand your intentions and think you are showing off to her or something else?”

 “No.” Margaret An said: “I think he will be very happy and reconciled with his past and Changying Wade who turned a blind eye to him and was cruel to the end in his memory.

We might become very good friends.

When the time comes, I can find a house in Aurous Hill, and visit it to reminisce about the past and become old friends in my free time.”

After saying that, Margaret An quickly waved her hand, changed the topic and asked, “Is Jing Qing here?”

Sister Sun hurriedly said, “Still on the helicopter, almost there.”

As he spoke, the roar of the helicopter engine and the sound of the blades breaking the wind could already be heard in the valley.

Sister Sun said: “Madam, Jingqing is here.”

 “Okay.” Margaret An nodded: “Let him come to see me directly.”

A few minutes later, the helicopter landed in the open space outside the courtyard, and a monk wearing a monk’s robe and robes walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

The door opened right at this moment, Sister Sun looked at the monk and said with a smile, “Jingqing, Madam has been waiting for you for a long time.”

This monk is Master Jingqing, who has become very famous in recent years.

Master Jingqing is less than fifty years old and has been a monk for less than twenty years.

However, with his deep understanding and unique insight into Buddhism, he has become a highly recognized and sought-after prominent monk today.

He has lectured on the Dharma everywhere for many years, not for any utilitarian purpose, but in the hope that he can use the philosophy of Buddhism to teach people to be optimistic about all aspects of life.

He has always been concerned about depressive groups, and in recent years he has also tried his best to teach Buddhism to people with depression or depressive tendencies across the country, in return for their nostalgia for the world. people from desperate situations. He is a very kind person.

Apart from his own understanding, the reason why he was able to achieve rapid progress in Buddhism was because he was also a monk to some extent.

He could sense spiritual energy, and he could also refine it through movements within his body, making it more profound.

However, his talent was insufficient.

After enlightenment, all the spiritual energy was in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he didn’t. has the terrifying power of Charlie.

His excessive supernatural powers and powers only expanded and enhanced his sea of ​​consciousness, allowing him to have deeper interpretations and understanding when studying Buddhism.

At this time, Master Jingqing put his hands together in front of Sister Sun, Amitabha said, then walked quickly to another courtyard and came to Margaret An.

Seeing Margaret An, Master Jingqing clasped his hands and bowed, and said respectfully: “Jingqing has met Madam!”

Margaret An said seriously: “Jingqing, you are an eminent monk now. You don’t need to be so quiet and polite in front of me.”

Master Jingqing said firmly: “Madam, Jingqing’s great enlightenment today is because of your guidance.

Without you, Jingqing would not be what it is today.

At any time, you are the existence in Jingqing’s heart second only to Buddha.”

Margaret An smiled and nodded, then said, “You have your own ideas and perseverance, I will not force you.”

After saying that, Margaret An said again: “Just get straight to the point.

I hurriedly invited you here this time because I heard that you were recently spreading Buddhism at Lingyin Temple, which happens to be not far from here,

 so I asked you to come and give me some instructions. Little girl, help him enlighten him.”

Master Jingqing was a little surprised and asked subconsciously: “Madam, the enlightenment you are talking about is the kind of enlightenment you helped Jing Qing achieve back then?”

 “Yes!” Margaret An nodded: “He has the same potential for enlightenment through the sea of ​​consciousness as you did back then.

I want you to tell him everything I said then, exactly as it is, and help him realize it.”

Master Jingqing said respectfully without thinking: “Okay Madam, Jingqing obeys your orders!”