Hero Of Hearts 6408

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6408

Ito Nanako shook her head and said: “I believe in Buddhism because I feel that Buddhism can make people do good and make people feel peaceful.

At the same time, Buddhism can also provide them with more spiritual sustenance.

Just like I go to a restaurant to eat, you can’t force me to stay there. become a chef in a restaurant?”

Master Jingqing said quickly: “Amitabha, the poor monk did not ask the donor to stay, but urged the donor to stay.

Donors simply use restaurants as an analogy.

Even though the logic is similar, the realm and meaning are not exactly the same. The same.

A restaurant can make people full. Rice, if a good chef develops a good recipe,

it can make people eat nutritious and balanced food, and even make people feel happy and improve their appetite.

It may also have the effect of strengthening the body, curing diseases and saving lives, but a good restaurant and a good recipe, It does not have the ability to save all living beings.”

Speaking about this, Master Jingqing added: “In fact, every religion has its own classical teachings.

The reason why this religion spread and had a wide influence from the era of slash-and-burn agriculture to modern times with advanced science and technology.

for the underlying Logic is a universal value built on a human-centered foundation, and it explains the deeper and more original nature of humanity.”

Thus, Master Jingqing asked Nanako: “Donor, does he know why today, when modern technology is so advanced and productivity surpasses that of ancient times, many people still regard scriptures written thousands of years ago as a beacon on the path to life? “

Ito Nanako shook her head in confusion: “I… didn’t think about it carefully…”

Master Jingqing said: “In fact, the difference between ancient people and modern people is not only that the development of science and technology and the expansion of their horizons are much worse than that of today’s people,

but it also means that the lives and thoughts of ancient human beings are simpler and pure, and they are closer to human origins.”

 “They could spend their whole lives thinking about one or two philosophical issues, and they would not be swayed by today’s prosperous world of materialistic desires.

 This makes their depth in philosophical issues far beyond that of the impetuous and utilitarian modern people.”

This is why all the great thinkers of the East and West emerged around 400 BC to 300 BC. In the East there are Laozi, Confucius and Mencius, while in the West there are Plato, Socrates and Aristotle;”

“The birth of the Buddha was one or two hundred years earlier than that of these Eastern and Western philosophers;”

“The sages among the ancients were geniuses of extraordinary wisdom.

When an unrivaled genius devotes his entire life to pondering the underlying logic of life and writes down his thoughts in a book, this book becomes a true classic.”

 “No matter how society develops, humans are still humans, and the more society develops, the more society’s energy is dispersed.

Therefore, the more society develops, the more it emphasizes the most profound philosophies of ancient times.

the three major religions, always regard the holy book written more than two years ago as a beacon on the path of life,

and many people have repeatedly studied scriptures written more than two thousand years ago, only to gain more inspiration from them.”