Hero Of Hearts 6410

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6410

Ito Nanako said “Si Guoyi” twice in a row, which made Teacher Jingqing a bit vulnerable.

He is not a boring person, and naturally knows that this is Ito Nanako’s way of rejecting him.

While feeling regretful, he could not help but reflect to himself: “I just feel that this donor has extraordinary wisdom.

If he was willing to convert to Buddhism and study the classics, he would definitely have a better understanding of the classics. “

Deep understanding, if such, is a blessing to all believers, but this problem is just my wishful thinking…”

Thinking of this, he sighed repeatedly in his heart: “It was a sin, my wife asked me to help her enlighten her, but I wholeheartedly persuaded her to convert to Buddhism…”

So, he recited a few verses silently, then said: “Donor, the poor monk talks too much, I hope you can forgive me.”

Ito Nanako nodded slightly: “No problem, as long as you don’t persuade me to become a monk again.”

While saying that, Ito Nanako took out the equipment from her pocket and asked carefully: “Master, I wonder if you can also consecrate and bless an amulet for me?”

Master Jingqing nodded and asked him: “Does the donor want to copy the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra himself?”

 “Yes.” Nanako took out the pen and paper the little monk had given her earlier and said, “Can I copy it here?”

 “Of course.” Master Jingqing pointed to the writing desk under the lecture table and said, “Donor, please copy the scriptures in front of the writing desk.”

Nanako nodded and thanked him, then came to the table, placed a palm-sized piece of paper on the table, and wrote the ten words “Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra” on the paper with a thin brush.

Master Jingqing stood aside and watched silently.

When he saw Nanako’s calligraphy, he was shocked.

He didn’t expect this young Japanese girl could actually write so well.

Seeing Nanako start to write the scriptures by hand without any pause in her hand, Teacher Jingqing knew that Nanako must have read the scriptures well and memorized the contents of the scriptures.

When Nanako finished writing the 260 words of the Heart Sutra, she slowly put down her pen, Master Jingqing on the side asked: “Since the donor is familiar with the Heart Sutra, have you ever tried teaching it according to the scriptures?

So, to explore the ‘subconscious world’ mentioned in the scriptures?

Nanako asked curiously: “Are you talking about the subconscious world in the scriptures ‘without eyes and ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, touch, without sight, and even the subconscious world’? ”

Master Jingqing nodded and said seriously: “Without eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, without color, sound, fragrance or touch, that means there are no six roots and six dusts, and no six consciousnesses arise from it. six dusts to six roots. We no longer see what is visible.”

Nanako asked nonchalantly: “Like a Buddha statue and not thinking about anything?”

Master Jingqing shook his head and said: “That’s not the case. The poor monk also thought that all true dharma was empty, which meant letting go of all attachments and illusions.

However, after receiving guidance from a mentor, I realized that actually all dharma is empty. A way to understand.”

Nanako became even more confused: “Since everything is empty and non-existent, what other explanation is there?”