Hero Of Hearts 6443

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6443

Royce felt very sad.

But his complaint was still a complaint. Facing his angry father, he didn’t dare to say another word.

So, without saying a word, the father and son came to the family meeting room one by one.

In this conference room that resembled a medieval European palace, almost all family members were present.

However, the old man had not yet arrived.

Everyone knew that today must be the day when the old man handed over the throne to Steve.

Once the old man announces it, Steve will officially become the leader of the entire Rothschild family.

Therefore, although everyone had ugly expressions, He also thought to himself that he would try his best to please Steve as much as possible later.

From now on, everyone’s resource income, as well as the power of life and death, will be in Steve’s hands.

Seeing Steve and Royce’s arrival, everyone without exception stood up from their seats.

That feeling was very similar to the solemn feeling when generals saw the commander during military meetings. Solemn.

Steve’s siblings gathered around him enthusiastically and greeted him diligently.

Steve felt displeased when he saw the fake and flattering expressions of some people, but he still nodded to everyone very politely.

David Rothschild, the youngest brother, said caringly: “Brother, I wanted to visit you last night,

but your housekeeper said you would not receive guests behind closed doors.

Tonight, you must give my brother a chance no matter what.” ,

I have prepared some small gifts and would like to deliver them to your home personally!”

Steve sneered and said, “David, you have a heart, but I dare not let you spend money.”

David hurriedly said: “Brother, what can you do to be polite to me?

We are brothers and sisters.

You loved me so much since we were children.”

Seeing David kneel down and lick him first, the others didn’t miss a moment and hurriedly approached Steve.

Steve watched these people’s performance quietly, feeling more and more sober.

He knew that once the old man failed to hand over the position of clan leader to him,

these people will immediately change their attitudes, and they will definitely fight openly and secretly with him again, to try their best to win a good impression. from that old man and win the chance to succeed him as heir.

Therefore, as long as they cannot ascend the throne at this time, these younger brothers will still try to succeed themselves,

they will consider themselves their biggest competitors and will never bow to them.

At this time, the conference room door was opened.

Everyone immediately followed the sound and saw the old butler opening the door of the conference room.

Then, old man Howard entered with a light step.

When everyone saw Howard come in, everyone was stunned.

Most people here had seen the old man suffer from a stroke, so they thought the old man had to use a wheelchair and was being pushed when he appeared today.

But who would have thought that after not seeing him for one night, the old man would become seriously ill. Understand!

However, they were shocked.

Seeing that the old man looked as good as ever, these people heaved a sigh of relief without exception.

In the Rothschild family, except for the Steve family who hoped that the old man would die soon, everyone else hoped that the old man would be healthy.

For family members who are not destined to be heirs,

the best life is when the old man is healthy and powerful,

so the old man gets sick or dies,

they will be removed and dismissed by the new head of the family.

David Rothschild reacted the quickest.

One second, he circled Steve and took Steve’s closest and best position.

The next second, he had already mentioned the crowd, He ran towards Howard quickly.

“Father!” David took the lead and rushed to Howard.

He immediately supported Howard’s arm with his arm and said nervously:

“Father, why did you come here alone?

But there’s nothing wrong with your body.?!”