Hero Of Hearts 6448

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6448

Marshal An explained with a smile:

“New energy is indeed the general direction of automobile development in the future.

The whole world is promoting carbon neutrality and meeting carbon standards.

New energy companies are a top priority in promoting carbon standards, and clean energy costs. even higher.”

The cost is low and does not depend on imports, which can greatly reduce the demand for oil imports.

In the future, the cost of fossil fuels will be even higher, and the profits from new energy will be even greater. getting clearer.”

After saying that, Marshal An added:

“Actually, to put it bluntly, the old man still hopes to invest in the industry.

The industry can create more jobs and integrate more labor and resources to package and upgrade, and the benefits will be greater.

If this can drive the improvement of the entire industry, that would be even better.”

Charlie nodded understandingly and said, “Grandpa’s investment this time puts profit second.”

Marshal An said: “The old man said that for any project, the first consideration is how much assistance can be provided to China;

the second consideration is how much improvement can be made to China’s influence in this area;

the third consideration is This is the profit and return of the project.”

Charlie nodded lightly.

Initially, he hoped that the An family could cooperate with the authorities to make the Warriors Den Association fearful,

but he didn’t expect his grandfather to have such a long-term plan.

More than half an hour later, Charlie’s red flag car drove into a state guest hotel that was not open to the public.

After registering, Marshal An and Duncan Li took Charlie to the villa where Grandpa Nicolas An lived.

The country’s guest hotels consist mostly of small, self-contained villas,

where guests cannot disturb each other, making it quiet and safe at the same time.

As soon as Marshal An parked the car in front of the villa, Charlie’s grandfather Nicolas An and his second uncle Marcus An came out to greet him.

As soon as Charlie got out of the car, he hurriedly went to his grandfather and said, “Grandfather, why did you come out so late?”

A Nicolas smiled and said:

“My grandson is coming from afar, how could I not come out to greet him!”

After that, he took Charlie’s hand and said with emotion: “Charlie, you have worked hard today!”

Charlie said calmly: “It’s not difficult, grandpa, let’s go in and talk.”

“Okay!” An Nicolas nodded and invited everyone to enter the villa together.

After entering the villa, Nicolas An couldn’t wait to ask him: “Charlie, how is the situation in New York? Please tell grandfather in detail!”

Charlie knew that the old man was very concerned about the situation in New York, especially everything related to his uncle Chen Zhimin.

Therefore, he roughly explained the process of how he became involved with Chen Zhimin after arriving in the United States,

and how he killed him and the fourth earl of the Warriors Den Society.

Hearing that Chen Zhimin had been turned into ashes and that even his ashes had been cleaned up by the Rothschild family, Nicolas An couldn’t help but sigh:

“Chen Zhimin, this bastard, ruined Tece’s life. I couldn’t watch him die with my own eyes. So pathetic. “Pity!”

Charlie said: “Grandpa, what are you going to say to my aunt?”

A Nicolas said: “Chen Zhimin is also a famous figure in New York.

He has disappeared from the world. It won’t be long before the news comes out.

When it reached your aunt’s ears, your aunt should be able to guess that her husband must be dead.

As for other details, it was better not to tell him.

From now on, we all have a tacit understanding and no one can mention this person again.”

After saying this, Nicolas An took a deep breath and said: “Chen Zhimin was a huge threat to the An family when he was alive.

His death was the best outcome for the An family, so this matter should also be carried out after his death. .”

Then cut it completely and don’t let it cause any further effects. Your aunt should be able to figure it out.”