Hero Of Hearts 6457

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6457

Having said that, Duncan Li said excitedly: “After this round of screening, the remaining companies should be companies that are large enough, but not very famous, and not very profitable,

but has relatively stable operations and complies with laws and regulations. , and For companies that have never experienced problems and do not have much room to grow,

it is possible to reduce the base amount from 100,000 to 1,000 or even 100, and the target will be much smaller in an instant; “

“F*ck!” Marshal slammed the table excitedly and said: “Okay, Lao Li!

You jumped on the Clearing Committee to solve this case!

With this trick of yours, you can solve 99% of cases in one go.

The above filtering can save you a lot of work.

When the time comes, it won’t take much time to find these 1,800 companies, or even hundreds of companies, and verify them one by one, and the target will be much larger. clearer at once!”

Charlie couldn’t suppress the excitement in his heart and exclaimed: “Inspector Li! When you said that, my whole body suddenly became enlightened!”

Having said that, Charlie added: “I think we can add some more filtering conditions.

For example, among these companies, if there is no airport within a radius of 100 kilometers, you can also skip it.

The Warriors Den community mobilized globally.

What they pay attention to is Flexible and maneuverable.

If there is no airport in the vicinity of the dead soldiers’ post, it will have a big impact on the mobilization of the dead soldiers;”

“Correct!” Duncan Li said: “Except for North America, the number of airports in Asia and Europe is actually not very large.

If these filtering conditions are added, the coverage is expected to be reduced by more than half!”

Charlie thought of something and added: “By the way, you can also screen the recruitment information of the target company.

Dead Soldier Station is relatively closed.

They may not recruit employees from outside, so these companies must not release recruitment information to the outside world.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that they will release smoke bombs, so this condition is not suitable for screening, but is more suitable for highlighting the main suspect.

If some of the companies we finally screen do not have any recruitment information, then the suspicion of these companies is naturally greater, and detailed investigation can be prioritized.”

 “Yes!” Duncan Li also said in surprise: “Mr. Wade has a very strong sense of research!”

Charlie said modestly, “Compared with Inspector Li, I am just an amateur.”

Having said that, Charlie added: “Now that Detective Li has a direction, let’s try to take action and see if there is anything that requires my help and support.”

Duncan Li nodded and said:

“The first stage is mainly information gathering,

the second stage is the selection of information,

and the third level is on-site research;”

While speaking, Duncan Li said: “The most difficult is actually the first stage.

There are too many industrial and mining companies around the world.

We must first collect their information one by one and make it into an internal database, then extract the data from this database.”

Use the elimination method to filter;”

“The greatest test of this section is that the collection must be quite complete,

otherwise, if our target company passes, all subsequent screening efforts will be in vain!”

Marcus, who was usually in charge of the An Family’s external business, couldn’t help but sigh when he heard this:

“This data is very large. Some countries’ company information data may be available through the connection, but most countries should not be able to get it,

 so they can only We found a way to collect online, and the subsequent screening is also a huge workload.

Many of the conditions just mentioned require manual comparison and one-to-one verification.”

Duncan Li nodded: “The workload is indeed a bit larger,

but anyway, this is a direction with opportunities.

This is much easier than finding a needle in a haystack in a vast sea of ​​people.”

Nicolas said proudly: “No problem!

No matter how heavy the workload is, we still have to do it!

Let us spend a billion US dollars to prepare for this!”

Charlie suddenly thought of something and said, “Maybe it’s not as troublesome as we thought.”

Everyone looked at him in unison, wanting to know what new ideas he had.

Charlie said at this time: “All of these things have to be done through AI.

The current AI information database has been updated to this year, or even a month ago.

In addition to the core secrets of various countries, all information that can be searched on the Internet All the content we receive is stored in the AI ​​information database.

As long as we train AI well, communicate our needs, and let AI help us sift through huge amounts of data!”