Hero Of Hearts 6458

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6458


The old man had just recovered from a serious illness and didn’t know much about AI.

However, Marshal An and Marcus An are relatively young and have a very deep understanding of trends in various industries around the world.

Inspector Duncan Li Born as Inspector Duncan Li and already familiar with high-tech things, he also knows something about AI.

When they heard that Charlie planned to use AI technology to screen the location of the dead Qing Dynasty soldiers, the three felt that although the direction was possible, they all felt that it would be very difficult to implement.

Marcus, who is familiar with the business landscape of the United States, said absently: “Now this technology is almost entirely concentrated in the hands of American companies.

Although other countries also want to catch up, the generation gap is too big.

These countries have I want to build my own AI model, but it is too difficult to operate.

Just like the chip industry, it can’t be built by just doing it.

Moreover, the An Family’s current industrial layout did not include an AI section.

What should we do?

What about using AI?

We can’t just tell AI companies about these requirements and let them calculate it for us, can we?”

Charlie smiled and said: “There is one thing I don’t know about you.

Howard Rothschild has agreed to build a complete AI model for the Nordic royal family, and the Nordic royal family will only act as a trustee for this AI model.

The real owner is me.

I will inform Helena and ask her to urge the Rothschild family to build an AI model as soon as possible.

Once construction and debugging is complete, it can be trained to do something for Me.

At that time, I will let all the computing power be concentrated on this problem.

Duncan Li’s eyes were full of joy, and he couldn’t help but say:

“Mr. Wade, after this AI model is created, please help me open the permissions, and I will try to train it to do global filtering work. ! ”

“Does not matter.” Charlie agreed without hesitation and said, “After returning to Aurous Hill, I will ask someone to clean up an empty room in the mountainside villa at the Champs Elysees Hot Springs and set up a workplace there, which is a Nordic place.

the control of the AI ​​model resides at this workstation, where Inspector Li can complete his work.”

 “Great!” Duncan Li was overjoyed and said: “It would be great if Mr. Wade could select some computer engineers from the Cataclysmic Front army.

I’m afraid I can’t operate such a large AI model alone.

If the Cataclysmic Front army can I have a group of professionals who already know each other well, and we might be able to develop a professional team for the Cataclysmic Front army that understands AI and criminal investigation in the future!”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing after hearing this, and took the initiative to shake hands with Duncan Li and said:

“What Inspector Li said was exactly what I thought!

This series of AI models is planned to be operated and trained by the Cataclysmic Front headquarters in the future.

Using this set of AI models The top AI models, combined with the communication satellites and encrypted communication technology developed by the Cataclysmic Front army, will definitely be of great use in the future!”

Marcus said enthusiastically: “Very good! This is not just a nap.

Someone gave me a pillow. This is a nap. Someone give me an entire five-star hotel!”

After saying that, he couldn’t help but sigh: “Charlie!

Your trip to America is worth it!

The entire Rothschild family has been controlled by you!

Who would have thought that the Rothschilds, who have dominated Europe and the United States and even the world for hundreds of years, the De Family are so passive in front of you.”

Charlie smiled and said: “This is because of selfish desires.

Even the Rothschilds cannot avoid that everyone has different selfish desires.

What’s more, the Rothschild family has now lost its four square treasure house.

According to common sense, their wealth should fall, and it is also a natural law to gradually become passive.”