Hero Of Hearts 6461

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6461

So, Charlie immediately said to Helena: “Helena, find a way to urge Howard to speed up.

If he can complete this AI model in the shortest time, I will give him the right to purchase half an extra pill. ,

as long as the AI ​​model is implemented as soon as possible, he can pay at any time and get it at any time.”

When Helena heard this, she couldn’t help laughing and said: “Mr. Wade, with your words, I guess Howard will work hard to do it himself when he grows up.”

Charlie smiled and said: “What I want is for him to do it with all his strength, and the sooner the better!”

“No problem,” Helena said, “Then I will contact him now.”

It was afternoon in Canada.

Helena has completed her last public event with Canadian officials.

After attending the government dinner tonight, he will return to Northern Europe tomorrow morning.

In total, he still had more than ten hours left in Canada.

After hanging up on Charlie, the first thing Helena did was immediately call Howard Rothschild.

Currently, Howard is preparing to hold a conference of unprecedented scale.

Not only will all members of the Rothschild family attend this meeting, but all collateral families related to the Rothschild family have also been notified to attend. .

Howard, who has regained his health, can’t wait to show everyone his healthy body, strong energy, and determination to lead the Rothschild family to greater glory,

further consolidated his unshakable position as patriarch of the Rothschild family. .

Shortly before the meeting, Howard received a call from Helena.

He immediately asked his subordinates to tell him to postpone the meeting for ten minutes, then came to an absolutely safe room and answered Helena’s call.

As soon as the phone call came through, he said respectfully: “Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Queen!”

Helena also smiled and said: “Good afternoon, Mr. Rothschild, is my call now bothering you?”

 “No, no!” Howard said politely, “Not annoying at all! Your Majesty, are you calling me for instructions?”

Helena said: “I would like to congratulate Mr. Rothschild.

The latest upgrade of your AI model has caused a big surprise.

It looks like it has the potential to topple the current Internet technology landscape!

No matter what the future holds for the Rothschild family, Whether from the AI ​​model itself or from NVIDIA’s share price, we will make huge profits, which is truly gratifying and extraordinary!”

Howard said with a smile: “Thank you Her Majesty the Queen for your confirmation.

I never thought that AI technology could have such a big impact!”

Helena added: “By the way, Mr. Rothschild, regarding the AI ​​models that have been implemented in Northern Europe,

I hope that Mr. Rothschild can speed up the process so that this model can be implemented in Northern Europe and run officially. as soon as possible. .”

Howard immediately agreed and said: “Your Highness, rest assured.

I have been paying close attention to this issue.

I have given them instructions to start preparing the hardware.

The team responsible for building the cloud center is ready to go to the North of Europe to select the hardware. “The address is here, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, don’t worry.”

Helena asked him: “How long does Mr. Rothschild think it will take to get everything done?”

“This…” Howard said: “I have already talked to the person in charge of the AI ​​project.

That means it might take at least two years.”

“Two years?!” Helena was surprised, frowned and asked, “Why so long?”