Hero Of Hearts 6468

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6468

“Impossible.” Howard said calmly:

“When the Boeing 747 first flew more than fifty years ago,

I was one of the invited guests.

At that time, you were still a teenager.

It is unlikely that you know the Boeing 747 better. from me.

Even if a two-engine aircraft can ensure that when one of the engines fails,

the other engine can ensure that the plane continues to fly for 180 minutes.

For four-engine aircraft such as the Boeing 747,

losing one machine wouldn’t mean anything. “

No impact at all.

Your data does not the system leave design redundancy?”

Bill quickly said: “Mr Rothschild, this is not the way we see it.

The demand for cloud processing today is enormous, and the demand for data storage in the cloud is also astonishing.

The remaining redundancy needs to be processed for data.”

 Allow some margin during peak periods.

If data centers in Northern Europe are removed, users in half of Europe will be affected.”

Howard paused and said solemnly:

“Bill, I have known your mother for a long time.

I knew him very well when he was still working at IBM.

I have seen you grow up to this day.

Don’t forget, I have given you a lot of help during this process,

including when you are in trouble, and I am the one who helps you.

Now that I’m old, I need your help.

Isn’t it appropriate that you have this problem and that problem at the same time?”

Bill was silent for a while and said helplessly:

“Okay, Mr. Rothschild, give me some time, and I will have someone prepare the data migration.

Once the migration is complete, this data center will be yours.”

Howard was satisfied and said with a smile:

“Bill, God bless you, so I do.”

Bill said helplessly, “Thank you for your blessing, Mr. Rothschild.”

Howard smiled and said:

“Come to Rothschild Manor at seven o’clock in the evening, and I will treat you to a meal.”

Bill said without hesitation:

“Well, Mr. Rothschild, I will definitely attend the appointment on time.”

A few minutes later, in the Rothschild family meeting room.

All the members of the Rothschild family had arrived, and the seats on both sides of the conference table that was more than ten meters long were already full.

Only the exclusive seat of the first patriarch was still empty.

Behind the seats on both sides there were two circles of small temporary benches, because all the heads of the collateral families were also present.

Currently, the conference room was full of people.

The direct members of the Rothschild family at the conference table were chatting happily.

Only Steve and his son were slightly depressed, while the collateral family representatives behind them were all chatting happily. .

Whispering to each other in low voices,

they don’t know what happened to the Rothschild family in the past two days,

and they didn’t know what the old man’s purpose was for calling them all here.

Most of these collateral families have foreign surnames,

but there are also those with the surname Rothschild.

However, all collateral families with the Rothschild surname are basically Howard’s brothers or cousins,

and those with foreign surnames

most of them were people with foreign surnames who married.

a woman from the Rothschild family and then pledged allegiance to the Rothschilds.

For this collateral family,

in the past they hardly had the opportunity to come to the Rothschild family estate and attend the high-class gatherings hosted by Howard.