Hero Of Hearts 6484

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6484

Charlie sighed and asked him: “After my father used the “Dragon Division Technique”,

his fate was to retreat from dragon network to dragon network,

and his own fate must have been greatly affected, no?”

 “It is reasonable.” Maria Lin said: “If your fate drops by one level,

your luck will naturally also drop by one level.”

Charlie felt mixed emotions in his heart,

silently wiped her tears, and continued:

“Uncle Zhou said that my father stripped me of my destiny before taking me away from Eastcliff.

That is, when I was eight years old, He had completed the transformation into a dragon,

dan kembali ke longge dari Jiaoge,

and I must have completed the transformation into a dragon during those eight years,

but I was too young at that time and don’t remember anything special about my childhood life.

This means that my father not only divided his own dragon network into two dragon networks,

he even used his own efforts to upgrade two of our dragon networks to dragon networks.

In just a few days,

To achieve this within one year,

I don’t know how much effort and expense it will take…”

Maria Lin nodded and said:

“Master, because we speculate that all these are dominoes left by Master,

then all this must be according to the plan.

Because of the “Preface to the Nine Mysterious Sutra”,

has written about the one dragon point “Dragon Separation Technique”

of the two dragons should also be the “Dragon Transformation Technique”

of the two dragons turning into dragons again,

otherwise if the dragon network cannot turn the dragon into a dragon network,

all the planned steps will suddenly be broken.”

After saying that, he turned his attention to the next part and exclaimed:

“Look, Master, there really is a “Dragon Transformation Technique”!”

Charlie was attracted by it and quickly saw the content behind it. Sure enough,

even the name was exactly as Maria Lin had guessed, it was “Dragon Changing Art”!

Charlie couldn’t wait to learn it line by line,

and then he discovered that the so-called “Dragon Transformation Technique”

requires the person who used the “Dragon Splitting Technique” to separate their fate to continue using their mental method to improve the fate of the two people.

In other words,

because his father divided his dragon tissue into two dragon tissue and gave one of the dragon tissue to himself,

his dragon network and his dragon network were like quantum entanglement, completely sharing the same forward and backward movement.

Every effort his father made would hit both people’s dragons at the same time.

From then on, the burden of the two dragons turning into dragons rested entirely on his shoulders.

It can be imagined that in the eight years after he was born, his father Changying Wade had worked hard so that they could both turn into dragons.

But my young self knew nothing about that!

What Charlie didn’t expect was that his father would first divide his own dragon network into two,

then upgrade the two dragon networks to become a single dragon network,

and finally released his lost dragon tissue completely.

Giving myself…

Right now he felt very embarrassed, if given the opportunity to choose,

he preferred to be an ordinary person who did not understand monasticism at all

from his father who had sacrificed so much for himself,

and finally killed by the Warriors Den Group along with his mother…