Hero Of Hearts 6496

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6496

Sister Sun said: “We want to know what agreement Mr. Wade reached with the Rothschild family when he went to the United States this time.”

After saying that, Sister Sun added:

“Don’t think too much, we don’t want to ask Mr. Wade’s situation,

but we are worried that Nvidia, which always adheres to business contracts,

suddenly postponed the shipping date of graphics cards for many companies without any reason,

so we speculate on this issue.

This may be related to Mr. Wade, so I would like to ask for your confirmation.”

Maria Lin secretly thought: “The agreement reached by Mr. Wade and the Rothschild family is mainly about the sale of potions and the exchange of AI models.

Unexpectedly, they not only paid attention to Mr. Wade, but also paid attention to the Rothschild family and NVIDIA.

Mr. Wade’s required graphics cards were completed personally by Howard, head of the Rothschild family.

This Sister Sun and the people behind her have really good hands and eyes.

Even if I don’t tell them, I’m sure they will be able to find out in no time…”

Thinking of this, Maria Lin said: “To be honest, Young Master Wade used potions to reach a deal with Howard Rothschild.

The Rothschilds will create an AI model for Young Master Wade.

The graphics card you mentioned was delayed in delivery, perhaps because of this problem, no matter how specific it is, I am not sure.”

Sister Sun’s eyes widened and she exclaimed: “The most powerful AI model on the market is actually controlled by the Rothschild family.

Could… could it be that the AI ​​model that Mr. Wade agreed with Howard was that one?!”

Maria Lin nodded: “Yes, that way.”

Sister Sun suddenly realized this and said very enthusiastically: “Mr. Wade is really brave and has a lot of sense!

He was able to get the AI ​​model from Howard.

This will definitely be a great weapon against Warriors Den and Victoria in the future!

What a satisfying achievement!”

Maria Lin could see that the other party was also sincerely happy for Charlie, so she nodded and said:

“No matter how powerful the Warriors Den Association is, it is still within the framework of today’s society.

AI models absorb data from across society, and they are definitely among them.” ,

this AI model should be able to help Mr. Wade find it faster!”

Sister Sun nodded vigorously, and then said: “Miss Lin, since we have reached a consensus, we will leave Aurous Hill later.

If Miss Lin wants to ask me something,

You can come to Qixia Temple to burn incense like you did today.

From now, in 48 hours, I will be here to meet Miss Lin.

This is my promise to Miss Lin, and I hope Miss Lin can also be honest with me.”

Maria Lin understood the hidden meaning of Sister Sun’s words,

what he meant was that he would trust her unconditionally and hoped that she would not take advantage of his trust and trap him.

For Maria Lin, although she still doesn’t know the background of Sister Sun and the people behind her,

he could still be sure that these people had no intention of hurting Charlie.

As long as this premise is guaranteed, he must abide by your consent..