Hero Of Hearts 6517

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6517

At this time, Charlie never expected that the woman in the same elevator as him earlier was his biological mother’s subordinate,

and the reason why she came back before him was because everything was planned.

Margaret An worried that Charlie would think too much, and deliberately asked him to find opportunities to appear in front of Charlie,

so Charlie could confirm that he was an ordinary person who didn’t understand martial arts and spiritual energy.

The reason why we have to calculate the time to let this woman into the basement first is to further reduce the possibility of being suspected.

After all, humans are subjective animals.

If someone follows you to the same place, the interested person will think he is being followed, but it is the opposite, and the level of suspicion is greatly reduced.

Margaret An intervenes in Nanako’s enlightenment.

To prevent Charlie from realizing anything unusual, he had to dispel all of Charlie’s doubts.

Otherwise, with Charlie’s character, he would definitely finish before giving up.

A few minutes later, Charlie returned to the Tomson Yipin villa area.

In the villa at this time, Elaine Ma and Jacob were watching TV in the living room on the first floor.

They said they were watching TV, but they just turned on the TV and listened, in fact they were both half lying on the sofa, each scrolling through their phones.

Claire hasn’t returned from the United States, and Charlie has been out for days.

From the beginning, the enemy fought every day, and gradually became tired and tired, and evolved into the most familiar stranger.

Even though both of them were under the same roof, there was almost no communication between them.

Charlie opened the door and entered.

The two of them stood up from the sofa subconsciously, looked at Charlie in surprise, and said in unison:

“The good son-in-law has returned!”

After saying that, the two of them looked at each other with disdain, as if they were disappointed by the tacit understanding just now.

Jacob was about to take a step forward to talk to Charlie.

Elaine Ma had already limped to his side.

He twisted his ass to the side hard, catching Jacob off guard.

He immediately lost his center of gravity and waved.

After that for a long time, his arms couldn’t regain their center of gravity, so he could only stumble back and sit on the sofa.

Jacob looked up angrily. Elaine Ma had already approached Charlie first and said with a flattering face:

“Oh, my dear daughter-in-law, why did you come back at this time and not greet mother beforehand?

Are you back yet?”

You have eaten?

Do you want mom to give me some?”

Can mom make something to eat?”

Charlie smiled and said, “don’t worry, mom, I’ve already eaten.”

Jacob immediately stood up, approached him quickly, and said, “Good son-in-law, why are you gone for so many days?”

Charlie smiled and said: “The business volume this time is relatively large.

I visited several houses and factories in a row.

The main reason is that this client is strong.”

“Ouch!” Elaine Ma said happily: “That strong customer must pay a lot of money, right?”

 “That’s right.” Charlie nodded and said casually: “This customer is very willing to give money.

Before he came back, he even gave me an extra million for transportation costs.”

Elaine Ma exclaimed: “My son-in-law! They have given you a million just for the transportation costs.

What a magical customer this is!”

Jacob on the side also sighed: “This is a rich man.

If you give me an extra million, it should be considered a tip?

You really spend money like water!”