Hero Of Hearts 6522

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6522

“Shuiyun Villa…” Wang Dongxue pondered for a moment and said:

“Chairman, Shuiyun Villa should be a villa area of ​​a certain age.”

“After I took over Emgrand Group, I read Emgrand Group’s previous information.”

“That’s a piece of land that originally belonged to Emgrand, this group is also preparing to compete,

but then gave up due to lack of supporting facilities in the surrounding area,

is in the mountains on the outskirts of town and hasn’t been developed for years, and housing prices haven’t gone up.

It shouldn’t be difficult to get it. “

Charlie was overjoyed and said: “Dongxue, please help me arrange some capable business personnel.”

“First find out the owner’s information of Shuiyun Villa, analyze the current occupancy rate of Shuiyun Villa, and then analyze the occupancy rate.”

After getting all the information about the age level and employment status of the owner,

You can then contact the villa owners at Shuiyun Villa one-on-one personally.

You can use the identities of Dihao Group and different people to purchase all the villas in Shuiyun Villa one by one.,

there is room for price increases, but the intensity must be understood.

Real estate practitioners have a keen sense of smell.

If they find out someone bought Shuiyun Villa at a high price that is not in line with the market,

that will definitely cause unnecessary problems.

So I hope you can get the entire Shuiyun Villa as soon as possible without being noticed.”

Wang Dongxue immediately said:

“Okay Chief, I will arrange this matter.

I will report to you as soon as possible if there is any progress!”

Destroying Shuiyun Villa to secretly build a base was something Charlie had no choice at the moment.

Aurous Hill is an inland city with a very high population density,

it is almost impossible to find a place that will not be disturbed at all, so you can only find a way to traverse Chencang secretly.

In fact, Charlie has also thought about whether to buy a private island for a complete renovation,

but in China, it is impossible to buy an island and completely renovate it for free.

If you want to buy an island with permanent property rights, basically you can only choose the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean through formal channels.

These places are too far from China,

and small islands cannot build large airports making it difficult to fly and land medium and long distance passenger planes.,

to go to a distant place you have to go to the nearest big city first,

which is less flexible, so according to Charlie it has no practical meaning.

Although the Maldives and many small island countries will also sell their islands in disguise, the sale has many prerequisites.

The first is business attributes.

The islands can be sold to you for tens of thousands of dollars,

but you must be within the time limit. specified time.

Construction has begun, and it cannot be built into private property, it must be built into a commercial hotel, and must also pass government approval.

As a result, if you take an island, you will have to invest at least tens of millions of dollars to build an island resort hotel,

it was impossible to turn it into a secret base or fort personally.

However, the idea of ​​renovating Shuiyun Villa did remind Charlie,

he felt he could pay attention to the current island market first,

and if there is a match, he will start the project first.

After all, the time cost of transforming an island was very long.

Whatever funds are available, infrastructure projects must be implemented step by step.

In most countries, including the United States,

it may take ten or even twenty years to complete.

building a road takes time, let alone changing an island.

Moreover, because the renovation had to be done secretly,

there has to be at least one thing on the outside and another on the inside, so it requires a truly trustworthy construction team.

The first choice that came to Charlie’s mind was the Cataclysmic Front soldiers and the engineers under Hamid.

If a suitable island is really selected, the construction must be handed over to them to be sure!