Hero Of Hearts 6585

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6585

Having said that, Helena added: “But there is a small episode in this, namely that NVIDIA just released its latest computing chip B100 two days ago.

The overall performance is much better than the H100 we ordered.

You could say it’s top or bottom.”

A product of a time,

so I chatted with Howard and asked him to take advantage of his relationship before the B100 was officially launched, and order a batch from NVIDIA,

at least to ensure that we can have it B100 within the first quarter of the official launch. Got 20,000.”

Charlie asked: “What did Howard say?”

Helena said: “Of course he, an old fox, wouldn’t.

The computing power of the B100 is qualitatively increased compared to the H100.

Many powerful AI companies and Internet companies in this industry have been holding coins and waiting for a long time.

He said that he had passed the special event,

I got so much H100 for my relationship, so I was too embarrassed to ask for B100.”

Charlie smiled lightly and said: “Why are you so embarrassed to speak?

It’s just that the terms have been negotiated in advance and he doesn’t want us to increase the price temporarily.”

“Yes.” Helena said: “Howard is the smartest businessman in the world.

Currently, they have made a lot of money from NVIDIA shares.

Once NVIDIA B100 is listed, their profits will continue to grow rapidly.

Soaring, getting 10,000 more graphics cards is not a big deal for him at all,

but he doesn’t want to raise the price now.”

Charlie smiled and said: “This problem is actually easy to deal with.

We can not only increase the quotation, but also increase our target value appropriately.

Let’s do this.

Tell him if we can solve the problem of 40,000 B200 pieces going to Northern Europe,

at that time Give him an extra quarter of a pill,

and after counting, he had three-quarters of the blood-draining and heart-saving pills.

Helena smiled and said: “I’m sure he won’t refuse, and he’ll be very positive.”

Charlie sighed: “It just troubles his son Steve.

This person had just arrived in Aurous Hill to visit the docks.

When he returned, he found that his father was already strong and strong.

He will really hate me.”

Helena quickly asked him: “Mr. Wade, if this Steve rushes over the wall, will it bring any risk to you?”

Charlie smiled and said: “If he’s really desperate,

he would definitely find a way to kill his father instead of me.

After all, this is a desperate situation, not a desperate situation.

He will not seek death alone.” “

Helena smiled sweetly and said, “Then I will be relieved!”

Having said that, Helena added: “By the way, Mr. Wade,

AI model launch period has been verified through the latest verification,

and can be launched within the specified time.

There is also room for further speedup, but specifics cannot be guaranteed.

This must be applied in practice.

Continuous verification, but don’t worry,

I will keep an eye on them and let them do their best to get online as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” Charlie sighed: “Thanks for your hard work, Helena.”

Helena hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, You are very polite.

This is what Helena should do.”

Charlie was not very polite to Helena.

Free to say more polite words and thank you.

He will always give tangible rewards to those who have helped him in practical areas and who have put in efforts and good intentions for him.

At this time, Helena said again: “By the way, Mr. Wade,

You haven’t given me the US$55 billion collection account that Howard gave me last time.

Please give me an account if you want.

Thank you for your hard work.” information.”

Charlie smiled and said, “I really don’t need money right now, so just save this money for now.”

At this time, another call came in from Charlie’s cell phone, the caller was his wife Claire,

so he said to Helena:

“Helena, I have something to do here.

Let’s talk later.”

After saying that, he diverted Claire’s call.

As soon as the phone call came in, Claire said excitedly: “Husband, I have finished handing it over here!

Miss Fei has arranged a flight for me, and I will be back in the afternoon!”

Charlie couldn’t help asking in surprise: “Baby, when can you arrive at Aurous Hill?”

Claire thought for a while and said: “It is late at night in Aurous Hill now.

I’ll go back and pack my things later.

After finishing everything, Miss Fei will arrange a special plane to send me off.

I think I’d better get going.”

can arrive almost tomorrow afternoon!”

Charlie said happily:

“Very good, my wife,

I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow!”