Hero Of Hearts 6588

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6588

Elaine Ma immediately said:

“No! Claire left home long ago and we have to go to the airport to pick her up!”

Jacob had no choice but to say: “Then as I said before, I will go to the meeting first.

I’ll pick you up at three or four in the afternoon.

Then we will go there together.”

Elaine Ma asked angrily:

“Jacob, no matter what you say, it won’t work, right?

You should go to the shabby calligraphy and painting association today, right?

If you say you have to go today, then I will go with you.

You’re not the executive vice president?

Aren’t you going to be promoted to president soon?

As the wife of the current executive vice president and wife of the future president,

 There’s no harm in me coming to see you, right?”

When Jacob heard that Elaine Ma said that she was going to the Painting and Calligraphy Association, his heart trembled with fear.

He didn’t want a bad person like Elaine Ma to go to the Painting and Calligraphy Association to embarrass himself,

in case the people under him talked about him behind his back,

say that I am a good person,

why do I find my daughter-in-law shrewd?

Won’t I lose my whole face?

Thinking about this, he had no choice but to say:

“Forget it, then I won’t go.

Isn’t it okay if I don’t go?

The three of us will just sit at home and stare at each other until four in the afternoon,

then we leave together. “

It’s okay to go to the airport, right?”

Elaine Ma asked him, “What? Is it so hard to get me to your meeting?

Am I so helpless?”

Jacob fainted and exclaimed: “Oh, you! Why do you keep looking for trouble?

It never ends, right?

You asked me to stay home, and I agreed to stay home,

Can’t I just stay at home?” satisfy you?”

Elaine Ma asked coldly: “What is your attitude? Are you impatient with me?

Oh, I’m going to be president.

This is not the time for you to be a coward and be ridiculed by the old lady and Christopher Willson’s family.

 So now you don’t look at me directly,

are you cooperating with me to detain you?”

Jacob defended awkwardly: “I didn’t mean that. You said it yourself.”

Elaine Ma asked: “Then what do you mean?”

Jacob felt dizzy and said: “I didn’t mean anything!

I’m just telling you that I won’t go to the meeting and will wait at home to pick up my daughter from the airport.”

Elaine Ma hugged her shoulders and sneered: “Oh! You feel it is meaningless now, and you plan to give up, right?”

Facing Elaine Ma’s crazy results, Jacob almost cried, and he quickly explained:

“I…I didn’t do it. What did I say?”

Elaine Ma looked at Charlie and said sadly and angrily:

“Good son-in-law, you are here to judge me.

 How can I live a good life following Jacob for so many years?

 He’s so awesome now and now he’s going to be president.

Do you think I am a good person? I

his wife had lost to him, wasn’t this the modern Chen Shimei?

Not to mention Jacob’s big head, Charlie couldn’t help it at all, so he hurriedly said:

“Mom, I remember there is something urgent to deal with.

How about this, mom and dad rest at home,

I’ll go do some things first, and I won’t be back in the afternoon.

 Take a taxi directly to the airport, then dad will take you to the airport to meet me,

and we’ll pick up Claire and come back together.”

Having said that, Charlie quickly walked to the gate.

When Jacob saw Charlie leaving, he became even more panicked and said quickly:

“My dear daughter-in-law, don’t go. Please stay with us!”

“No, Dad, it’s a real emergency.”

After Charlie said that, while changing his shoes, he turned around and said, “By the way, don’t cook tonight,

let’s go out to eat!

at the airport in the afternoon!”