Hero Of Hearts 6628

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6628

Claire pursed her lips and muttered: “For the sake of family harmony, I will definitely not tell mother,

but you have to know it in your heart and never do something like that again in the future!”

Jacob nodded repeatedly and assured: “Don’t worry, dad will never do it again.”

Just as he finished speaking, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

He lowered his head and saw that the caller was actually Parker Ermao.

He was a little surprised and muttered: “What a surprise. This Parker Ermao has been avoiding me for a long time. Why did he take the initiative to call me today?”

Charlie was also a little surprised. Normally, Parker Ermao left the antique street to help Orvel take care of business on the street, and had no contact with his father-in-law.

Why did he call his father at this time?

Even though Jacob was confused, he still picked up the phone and pressed answer.

On the other end of the phone, Parker Ermao said respectfully: “President Willson, it’s me, Ermao, do you still remember me?”

“Nonsense…” Jacob cursed and muttered: “We have dealt with each other so many times, can I still remember you?

I’ve collected a lot of good stuff before, and I’ve called you more than 10,000 times but I can’t get through.

Why do you know you are contacting me now?”

Parker Ermao chuckled and said quickly: “To be honest, President Willson, I have given up on antiques.

Now I work for Mr Orvel from Aurous Hill. You should know Mr. Hong that he has a relationship with you.

 Isn’t that pretty good!”

Jacob snorted: “Of course, what kind of relationship do I have with Mr. Orvel?

I ate at the diamond box at his Tianxiang House two days ago.”

After saying that, Jacob said again: “Okay, Parker Ermao, stop being so polite.

If you have anything to do with me, just tell me directly.”

Parker Ermao said in a caring voice: “President Willson, I wonder if you still remember Peter Zhou from Ji Qingtang?”

Charlie’s heart moved when he heard Peter Zhou’s name, while Jacob suddenly felt his face burning, as if he had been slapped again.

He immediately cursed and said: “Peter Zhou? How could I not remember it!

I caused some trouble in Jiqingtang at that time, and I left.

He asked people to catch me back, and even slapped me hard.

I will never forget this grudge in my life!

If he had not been expelled from Aurous Hill by the Song family at that time, I would have taken revenge that day!”

Hearing his father-in-law’s words, Charlie felt helpless.

Although now everything has been revealed step by step, Charlie knows that the vase fell to the ground when his father-in-law was looking at the vase in the Jiqing Hall,

but his behavior at that time was indeed very immoral.

He thought that he accidentally broke a vase worth millions.

His first thought was not to find a way to fix it, but to leave Charlie there as a backup.

He immediately ran away. What’s the point of getting slapped for this? Revenge?

But according to Jacob, that’s not the case.

After all, I am very old. It was embarrassing to be caught by a group of people on the street.

When those people caught me and took me back, they were rude with their hands and punched me.

I was still beaten at such an old age. , How can I swallow this breath?

Moreover, according to the news he received, Peter Zhou disappeared from Aurous Hill after that incident, and he had no chance of revenge even if he wanted to.

Parker Ermao on the other end of the phone was still very angry when he heard Jacob mention Peter Zhou, and he was relieved,

knew that he had read his pulse correctly, so he said in a flattering tone: “If President Willson wants revenge, there is no possibility!”

“There is a possibility.” Jacob couldn’t hear what Parker Ermao said, but he said angrily:

“This grandson has been missing for a long time. I guess he is no longer in Aurous Hill. Where can I go to avenge him?”