Hero Of Hearts 6642

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6642

Moreover, he came from a humble background and did not have noble people supporting him, it was still difficult to advance.

But seeing Parker Ermao today, I clearly feel that this person’s aura is a little different from before,

he also became a little rounder than his previous skinny skin, it seemed like he was living a good life recently.

So Peter Zhou asked him with a smile: “Er Mao, are you still doing business on antique street?”

Parker Ermao said with a smile: “Sometimes, I come here occasionally.

Now I just follow an older brother to do some things.

I can’t take care of the antique road.”

As he spoke, he pretended to be curious and asked: “Manager Zhou, are you opening a new business?”

“Yes.” Peter Zhou nodded and said: “It just opened, so I can collect some things and also help people see their things.”

“Treasure valuation.” Parker Ermao said with a smile: “The treasure assessment is good.

Treasure appraisal is very popular these days.

If we start live broadcasting at that time, it won’t be long before it will become very popular. .”

Peter Zhou himself came to Aurous Hill to start over.

He didn’t want to be a famous person, so he was not interested in live broadcasts, so he casually said: “Live broadcasts are not easy to do now.

I’ve longed for a good one. opportunity to enter.

Now I can do live broadcasts without spending money to invest.”

Almost no one watches the stream.

If you spend money to join a stream,

You don’t know how long it will take you to get it back. your whole life.

My funds are limited, so I can only make a living by earning a lot of money.”

Parker Ermao nodded and said with a smile: “Manager Zhou, you are an expert, and you are professional when you speak.”

Having said that, Parker Ermao added: “By the way, I have a lot of friends here who often deliver goods.

I wonder how much money Manager Zhou has?

Let me see if they have anything suitable to bring to work with you.”

“How big is the pot” probably means asking how much money he wants to invest. Peter Zhou wants to collect antiques,

so this question also asks how much money he can earn for collecting the item.

Peter Zhou said modestly: “I have been playing around during this period and haven’t saved much money.

I only have a few hundred thousand in total.

If it’s cheap and affordable, I definitely won’t have a problem here.

If yes the best stuff, sadly.” I can’t eat anymore.”

“Okay.” Parker Ermao knew the estimated capital size of Peter Zhou and said, “I will save some relevant resources later and see if I can facilitate some transactions.”

Peter Zhou cupped his hands and said, “Thank you, Ermao!”

Parker Ermao smiled and waved his hand, and said to Chen Yufei: “Manager Chen, please help me prepare a flower basket for Manager Zhou.

I will transfer the money to you later.”

Chen Yufei hurriedly said: “Hey Brother Ermao, why are you so polite to me?

I will prepare a flower basket, so don’t worry!”

Parker Ermao nodded and said casually: “Let’s go, you two, sit and drink tea together if you have the opportunity.”