Hero Of Hearts 6668

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6668

At this time, Peter Zhou said with some worry: “Oh, 400,000, I really can’t afford that much.

I just told you that I don’t have anything to stock in my shop, so I have to spend a lot of money to buy it.

filled it up, and I took it from someone else for a small amount of rent, and I had to immediately pay the rent to the owner.

If I really take 400,000 yuan, everything will be affected.

The man subconsciously said: “Didn’t you say that this thing belongs to the Northern Song Dynasty and is worth tens of millions? Can’t you resell it?”

Peter Zhou sighed: “How can things worth tens of millions be sold so easily?

People like me, small people, wouldn’t believe me if I said items worth tens of millions were sold.

Even if I look for an auction, I have to wait for the next auction to start. Ah, and there’s also a complicated identification process;”

“Now I just feel that it is the style of the Northern Song Dynasty, but what I said is not authoritative.

If it ultimately needs to be authenticated by experts or appraisal agencies, if I misjudge this, it will basically be ruined;”

“Even if I am lucky and this object is really from the Northern Song Dynasty, I will still have to wait for it to be authenticated, auctioned, and successfully sold before I can receive the money.

It will take at least a few months, so the risk is still very high.”

Parker Ermao touched the half-tied beard on his chin and muttered: “Damn, do we think Zhou is too smart?

He really seems to think this thing is from the Northern Song Dynasty.”

Jacob said hurriedly: “I thought he was a fierce general, and I studied the art of war on him for a long time, but I didn’t expect the number to be two hundred and fifty!

Let’s lower the price and sell him for three hundred thousand! You will be safe!”

Parker Ermao had experienced a roller coaster ride in his heart and felt that 300,000 yuan was ideal.

After all, his main purpose was to embarrass Peter Zhou and help Jacob make money.

He couldn’t get a single penny from the profit margin of 200,000.

Moreover, if this matter ultimately fails, I will have to pay Jacob 200,000 yuan, which will be an even greater loss.

So, he sent another WeChat message to his sister.

After his younger brother received it, he became even more anxious and said to Peter Zhou:

“My eldest sister urged me again.

I won’t talk to you anymore.

Boss, you have a hard time and I have a hard time too.

Let’s do this. The price is 300,000 yuan.”

It doesn’t matter to me if you sell it for 300 million in the future. I only want this 300,000!

This is the limit of what I can do.

If you think it is not enough, then I can only go back and look for another opportunity to take action.”

When Peter Zhou heard this, he gritted his teeth and exclaimed: “Okay! Three hundred thousand is three hundred thousand!”

After that, Peter Zhou took out his cell phone and said, “Give me the bank account number, and I will transfer the money to you now.”

Staring intently at the screen, waiting for Zhou Liang to make the final payment.

Soon, in the live broadcast, Peter Zhou completed the payment. After the boy received the money, he immediately stood up and said: “Boss, the money has arrived, happy cooperation!”

After saying that, without waiting for Peter Zhou to speak, he quickly turned around and ran out without looking back.

Jacob and Parker Ermao in front of the screen suddenly became excited, and they couldn’t help but high-five each other.

Jacob chuckled and said, “Done! Ha ha ha! Peter Zhou, Peter Zhou, you’re screwed!

Even if I beat you to death, you wouldn’t expect that you brought people with you at that time.

Slap me a few times, you will pay a heavy price today, hahahaha!

I want you to know that although Aurous Hill is not a big place, it is not a place that someone like you can visit casually.

As the saying goes, the temple is small and evil.

There are many turtles in large, shallow waters…”

Parker Ermao coughed and said quickly: “President Willson, this metaphor…is very inappropriate…”

Only then did Jacob realize that he had just scolded him, and quickly changed his words:

“Bah, bah, bah, I mean, even though Aurous Hill is not a big place, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside.

How can someone like him just come here whenever he wants?” from!”