Hero Of Hearts 6669

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6669

Just when Jacob took revenge for cheating Peter Zhou and made two hundred thousand, Charlie, who was sitting in the teahouse drinking tea, felt a little confused.

He had long seen that the person who had just entered Peter Zhou’s shop to buy something was a liar, but he didn’t understand why Peter Zhou bought his goods.

Could it really be from the Northern Song Dynasty?

As soon as he thought about it, Charlie immediately thought to himself: “With Uncle Zhou’s achievements in antiques, it is absolutely impossible for him to see Aurous Hill Antique Street.

I think the bronze Buddha must be from the Northern Song Dynasty.”

Hence, he could not help but sigh: “It seems like this game was known by my unfair father-in-law and Parker Ermao.

If they knew that the three hundred thousand yuan sold to Peter Zhou today was worth tens of millions, I don’t know what they would do.”

How do they feel?”

at the same time.

Peter Zhou saw that the man had left, so he stood up and closed the shop door from the inside, then carefully looked at the bronze Buddha he had just received.

He was very sure of his vision that this was the golden bronze Buddha of the Northern Song Dynasty, and what he had just said was a little conservative.

The production technology of this object was clearly very sophisticated in the context of the Northern Song Dynasty era. This era can be said to be the peak of bronze items.

Very few bronzes from the Northern Song Dynasty are preserved, and even fewer are exquisitely crafted.

Many people who play antiques have probably never touched one in their lives.

But in other words, this leather shell is indeed a shame.

Peter Zhou speculates that it is likely that this bronze Buddha passed through the hands of people who did not understand it after a long period of time.

The gold on the surface was not well maintained, so it fell, and he simply stopped working on it.

All the mottled gold layers are peeling off.

There was no gilding, and the leather shell had been damaged when peeled.

People who have not studied Northern Song Dynasty bronzes in depth, even veteran players in the antique industry, he is afraid that most people’s first impression when seeing this thing will be. well it’s modern.

Therefore, Peter Zhou speculated that it must be an antique dealer who is skilled in forgery.

When he accidentally obtained this bronze Buddha,

he appraised them as modern objects, and then recreated them based on them, and paired them with unknown collectibles. from somewhere.

They made a set of copper bases made in the Xuande year to deceive others that it was made in the Xuande year.

Peter Zhou also judged based on this that the person who came to sell things just now must have come to cheat him.

The man said that he sold his father’s relics for money, but he knew the bronze Buddha very well in his words.

He knows his age and background.

He could even use some professional terms like “open the door”.

Bronze Buddha Year He can provide a relatively accurate price range for artifacts.

It makes sense that he should be involved in antiques.

However, this person did not know the chronology of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was obvious that he did not understand the most basic history at all.

Those who dabbled in antiquities a little would not only memorize the emperors, reign names and past dynasties, but at least have a relatively clear concept.

Just mention the name of any emperor’s reign and you will have a rough idea of ​​the time in your mind.

You can’t think of the year when mentioning the name of the era, but it is absolutely impossible to understand the five great dynasties of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing.