Hero Of Hearts 6671

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6671

The reason why he told the other party the truth was because he knew the other party’s conspiracy, so he just used the trick to create a conspiracy.

He said everything that should be said and should not be said, just because the other party didn’t believe it, so he said it sincerely and sincerely.

The other party absolutely does not believe that this thing comes from the Northern Song Dynasty.

They just wanted to deceive themselves, so no matter how hard they tried, the other party insisted that it was only 300,000 yuan worth of goods,

they kept saying that for Three hundred thousand, so with this chain of evidence, if the other party found out the truth and came back to cause trouble, he didn’t have to worry about going to the UN, he couldn’t lose.

He had been working on antiques for a long time and had seen all kinds of strange things, so he was always wary of others and considered everything very carefully.

After Peter Zhou downloaded all the surveillance videos to his mobile phone, he made the decision to get rid of the bronze Buddha as soon as possible.

The reason for taking action as soon as possible was not because he lacked money, but because he realized that someone did not want him to gain a foothold on the antique street.

I received a bronze Buddha today.

It didn’t take long for someone to spread the word on the antique street, telling everyone that they had been cheated.

If you want to return well, it is useless to say that the goods are from the Northern Song Dynasty.

No one will believe it.

What’s more, Peter Zhou, the antique dealer here, also knows that his professional level cannot reach the top, so the best way is Get rid of this bronze Buddha as soon as possible.

Once successfully sold, your reputation on Aurous Hill Antique Street will be instantly established.

As for whether becoming famous will reveal his identity, Peter Zhou is not worried.

Even though I found the leak,

This kind of leak worth tens of millions of yuan can only have a certain influence in antique circles in a place like Aurous Hill. Each one can easily be worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

The game that Parker Ermao made for himself was enough to make him famous in Aurous Hill without being spread too widely.

The scale is perfect.

This is not timely assistance.

It was snowing.

At the same time, Jacob, who was in Parker Ermao’s car, also received 300,000 yuan transferred from Parker Ermao’s younger brother.

The goods he bought for 98,000 yuan in the afternoon were returned for 300,000 yuan in the evening.

The profit of 200,000 yuan made Jacob dance with joy.

It is always difficult for ordinary people to find much happiness in their lives.

When you make money, it often strains your muscles and bones and hurts your self-esteem.

Often, you make money on your knees, but few people on their knees put money in your pocket;

although going to pick up girls will give you psychological and physical pleasure, the money you spend will make you feel very stressed.

Plus, to get that money back, you will have it to invest more physical and mental energy in the future.

But today Jacob felt what it meant to be completely satisfied.

He makes money, and he makes money lying down.

Good things like this are very difficult to find by the general public.

The difficulty was equivalent to sleeping with the enemy’s wife.

The enemy’s wife spent the enemy’s money to open a hotel.

Jacob, who was in a good mood, couldn’t help but praise Parker Ermao and said with a smile: “Oh Ermao, you are really amazing!

Even Peter Zhou was tricked by you.

If you keep playing with antiques, who can play in the entire antique street than you?”

Parker Ermao was also very relieved.

Anyway, he no longer had to pay for Jacob himself, so he praised: “As long as you are satisfied, President Willson!”

“Satisfied! Quite satisfied!” Jacob laughed and said, “Now that we have money, should we tell the entire Aurous Hill antiques industry about Peter Zhou’s attention to him?”

“Of course.” Parker Ermao said hurriedly: “President Willson, don’t worry, I have made all the arrangements.”

After that, he took out his cell phone and called Chen Yufei.

As soon as the call came in, he immediately said:

“Peter Zhou spent 300,000 yuan to buy a bronze Buddha.

You can publicize it well to the outside world!”