Hero Of Hearts 6675

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6675

Soon, Chen Yufei’s entire acting process was sent to the industry group.

People who eat melons can’t wait for the video to be accepted, they immediately click to watch it.

In the video, Chen Yufei’s acting skills are at their peak.

No one could see the slightest bit of his acting.

But in the video, everyone can also see that the bronze Buddha does look good when held in front of him, what will happen?

If you don’t do it well, you will be deceived.

And when everyone saw that Chen Yufei could easily see through the opponent’s tricks, they couldn’t help but admire her.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell when he moves his video.

No matter how well the counterfeiters disguised the goods, it was impossible to fool the real experts.

Just like Chen Yufei, just by looking at it, he could see that it was an old modern item, and it was equipped with it.

The base was created in the Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty.

This also made many practitioners look at Chen Yufei with admiration.

Since Chen Yufei took over Ji Qingtang, Ji Qingtang’s performance has been declining, so some people always think that Chen Yufei’s personal abilities are not good.

But this time, everyone was keenly aware that Chen Yufei’s personal strength was quite a decline in performance, perhaps The industry was in a slump and nothing good happened.

No wonder Chen Yufei.

For a time, praise for him in the group was overwhelming.

Chen Yufei was very proud.

According to him, after tonight, he would be the most handsome boy in the entire antique street.

The legend about him would definitely become even more amazing if it continued to spread, which would help increase his status in the industry., no doubt a great help.

At this time, someone in the group suggested: “Manager Chen, my short video account has more than 10,000 fans.

Please verbal permission and I will post this video to my video account.

Maybe you can become popular!”

Others also echoed: “Yes, yes! Post to short video platforms!

Short videos about treasure appraisal are very popular now!

If Manager Chen’s video is posted, it will definitely become famous!”

“What a great idea! Let me post that too.

Although I don’t have many fans, I still have more than 3,000 fans!”

When Chen Yufei heard this, she immediately became excited and thought: “Could it be that my sister can become an internet celebrity with this video?

It must be very difficult, right?”

In doubt, he immediately said to himself: “What’s so difficult about this?

A few days ago, there was a beautiful girl who dominated the rankings for several days because she said the word ‘Pao’ very strongly.

I, Chen Yufei, have courage.”

If you are resourceful and intelligent, if this were posted online, you might become a recognized treasure appraiser!”

Thinking of this, he immediately said to everyone: “I personally don’t care. If you want to post it, you can post it.

But I would like to remind everyone that although I don’t care about portrait rights, you I’d better code the liar’s face,

otherwise, if he causes you trouble, I will at least forbid him and compensate you at worst.”

Everyone replied: “Don’t worry, we will just show you face, Manager Chen!”