Hero Of Hearts 6686

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6686

Although Peter Zhou was defrauded of 300,000 yuan yesterday and became the laughing stock of everyone,

as long as he can sell the item for more than 300,000 yuan today,

it proves that people are not blind when receiving the goods and they will definitely make money. .

In the antique industry, people will look down on you if you don’t have money,

You will be looked down upon if you are blind, and you will be looked down upon if you don’t have good things and make a lot of money.

in tatters all day.

But as long as you make money, people will look down on you no matter what you do.

If nothing else, take the example of a major cost generator.

As long as the fake goods he makes can be sold at a high price,

even though he was doing marginal and unethical business, everyone would look up to him and praise him calling him a teacher.

Although everyone ridiculed Peter Zhou for being wronged last night, as long as he made money today, it would be a good thing on the antique street.

What if he bought it for 300,000 yuan and sold it for 350,000 yuan?

one night, who cares whether he makes money or not?

Therefore, Chen Yufei had an idea in her mind, no matter what, she wanted to interfere with Peter Zhou’s business.

Seeing that Chen Yufei wanted something from him, the salesperson also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to approach her, so he immediately replied:

“Don’t worry, Manager Chen, I will take care of it!”

After saying that, he immediately turned around, came to those people, and said to the Tibetan friend from Eastcliff earlier: “Brother, are you here to buy Boss Zhou’s bronze Buddha?”

Eastcliff’s Tibetan friend asked warily: “Do you know that bronze Buddha?”

“I know!” The salesperson said with a smile: “I know his bronze Buddha very well.

He is already famous in the three hectare area of ​​Aurous Hill.”

Thus, he immediately opened the short video platform on his phone, clicked on the video where Chen Yufei invested 5,000 yuan yesterday, and said, “Look at this video!”

The Tibetan friend was a little curious, so he took the phone and began to look at it carefully. Tibetan friends from the south also came soon and watched carefully.

While the video was playing, Orvel’s little brother came in with something.

Chen Yufei took the object and looked at it, then began a detailed review which she thought was very professional.

A Tibetan friend from Eastcliff said in surprise: “Oh, it really is this bronze Buddha.”

Tibetan friends from the south couldn’t help but say: “Excuse me, what is the background of a manager?”

The salesperson quickly said: “You don’t know something, but this manager Chen is the general manager of Ji Qingtang, the largest antique shop in Aurous Hill.

He is a very strong and amazing professional!”

“Professional?” The southern Tibetan friend was a little unhappy because he didn’t get number one.

At this moment, he did not hide the disgust on his face and said sarcastically:

“Damn, not a single word from this fool.

Correct. You are still the general manager, so let him eat anything!”