Hero Of Hearts 6698

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6698

Peter Zhou cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Thank you, Mr. Qian, for reminding me.

I think the business environment here is still very friendly.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for my colleagues to put such a thing.

 the big one right after I came here.”

As you can see, among the many storefronts on the street, mine is the simplest.

However, I received a very good item.

I can only say thank you to my colleagues for enjoying the food. .

When Qian Jingming heard this, he laughed loudly and said: “Okay, okay! Boss Zhou has such insight,

he really is not an ordinary person!

If you have the chance to go to Eastcliff in the future, you will definitely contact Qian and have a good drink at Qian’s house.”

“Okay!” Peter Zhou nodded and said, “Sure!”

Qian Jingming smiled and said, “It’s getting late.

I’ll excuse myself first. Goodbye!”

Qian Jingming and his party turned around and left Zhen Baoxuan,

but the seller still stood there with a blank look,

looking at their retreating figures as if in mourning.

Peter Zhou saw that he seemed to have lost his soul,

so he returned the phone to him and said coldly:

“We have agreed on three chapters of the agreement,

but you not only disobeyed it,

You also want to weaken me. .

Since you are unkind, then don’t blame me for being unfair.

From now on, there can be no more relationship between you and me.

Don’t greet each other when we meet knowing each other.”

The salesman was so angry he wanted to die.

When he saw his phone being returned, he immediately grabbed it and ran out.

As soon as he came out, he immediately called Chen Yufei.

Chen Yufei had just arrived at Ji Qingtang at this time, and before her **** felt hot, she received a call from him.

As soon as the call came in, he immediately asked: “How is Peter Zhou?

Do you have the information?”

The salesperson was so depressed that he cried and said while sobbing: “Chen… Manager Chen… My manager Chen…”

Chen Yufei was surprised and said quickly: “Don’t you know what you want to say?

What are you crying about?

Looks like I’m dead. What about mourning?”

The salesperson cried and said: “Manager Chen… I… I can’t control it…

I feel very uncomfortable!”

“What happened?” Chen Yufei angrily put the half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray, poked it a few times, and put it out.

He urged impatiently: “You’d better get to the point in one sentence, or get out of here!”

“Just get to the point…” the salesman mumbled while sobbing, then exclaimed: “Okay! Let me get straight to the point!

Listen carefully! Peter Zhou just sold the bronze Buddha you confiscated yesterday!

The price is twenty million!”

Chen Yufei’s body softened and she immediately got off the sofa to sit on the ground.

He ignored the pain in his buttocks and subconsciously asked out loud:

“Take…take young master?!”

The salesperson also shouted loudly: “Twenty million! Twenty million!

A big collector from Eastcliff bought it for twenty million and transferred it to me.

They didn’t even blink an eye.”

“What the hell…” Chen Yufei’s eyes darkened, and she was so confused that she asked tremblingly:

“You…was what you just said true?

Did Zhou really sell that item for 20 million?! “

The seller cried and said, “I will kill my whole family if I lie to you!

The price is only 20 million!”

Chen Yufei scolded: “Are those bastards from Eastcliff crazy?

He spent 20 million to buy back the fake antique.

If he finds out that he was cheated, Peter Zhou will be killed?!”

The salesman exclaimed: “I’m going to die!

He was a big collector in Eastcliff. I don’t know how happy I am.

I can tell you that the bronze Buddha is in no way a copy of the Ming Dynasty.

It is a solemn golden bronze Buddha from the Northern Song Dynasty.”

What is its scientific name… It seems to be Venerable Supintuo!

It is said that it was sold at auction for at least 28 million,

and Peter Zhou sold it to him for 20 million, but he missed it.

“Fuck!!!” Chen Yufei suddenly jumped three feet high, jumped to her feet and cursed:

“What did you say? You said it was from the Northern Song Dynasty?!

Doesn’t that mean someone took 20 million worth of copper yesterday? “

That bronze Buddha, he wants to sell it to me for hundreds of thousands,

but I not only did not take it, but also made him suffer greatly,

then Peter Zhou bought it and made a profit of 20 million?”

“That’s right!” The seller, who witnessed the excitement and did not take it too seriously, exclaimed:

“Manager Chen! If you left that bronze Buddha yesterday,

You will be the one who got 20 million today!

You generated an error. Twenty million, my manager Chen!”

Chen Yufei felt like her chest was being crushed into pieces by a 10,000 ton rock.

The pain was so painful that he almost cried!

When he thought of losing 20 million, he gritted his teeth and shouted with wide eyes:

“Twenty million…ah!! I will wake you up, second uncle!”