Hero Of Hearts 6701

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6701

After saying that, Parker Ermao immediately hung up the phone and called Jacob.

Currently, Jacob was sitting in his first class seat drinking champagne.

Economy class passengers are basically done.

The flight attendant has closed the cabin door about to launch.

Their plane was currently sixth in the queue waiting to take off and was expected to take off in twenty minutes.

Suddenly receiving a call from Parker Ermao, Jacob pressed the answer button with a smile and said enthusiastically:

“Oh, Ermao, is there anything good you can do by calling me so early?”

Parker Ermao said attentively: “President Willson, I remember you are going to Dubai today.

Has the plane taken off?”

Jacob smiled and said: “Come on, give it another twenty or thirty minutes.

What is it?

What do you want from me?”

As soon as Parker Ermao heard that Jacob was taking off, he relaxed a little.

Although this problem is very difficult,

if you give yourself more time,

You might be able to do a good retaliatory action.

At this time, Jacob didn’t know about this matter,

and he will soon need a few hours flight to Dubai,

 and what’s more the key is after arriving in Dubai,

 he definitely wouldn’t have much energy to pay attention to the gossip in Aurous Hill,

so he can buy more buffer time.

So, he immediately said: “It’s okay, President Willson.

I called you just to ask when you would be taking off.

Because your plane is about to take off,

 the flight attendant will definitely ask you to turn your phone off or on.”

flight mode.

I will not bother you any longer and wish you and your wife a pleasant journey.”

Jacob saw Parker Ermao being so polite and said with a smile: “Er Mao, you are serious.

I will definitely bring you some local tourist souvenirs when I come back from Dubai!”

Parker Ermao said diligently: “Oh, thank you in advance, President Willson!”

Jacob hummed and said with a smile: “Okay, I won’t tell you any more.

We’ll talk when we get back.”

Parker Ermao immediately said: “Okay, okay, let’s talk when you come back.”

Jacob was about to hang up when he suddenly thought of Peter Zhou and asked:

“By the way, Ermao, how is that guy named Zhou?

Does everyone know about the eye blow now?

The entire antique street is probably looking at it.

A joke, right?”

Parker Ermao’s heart was crying, and he cursed secretly: “You still watch the joke, we have become a **** joke…”

Although Parker Ermao didn’t dare to tell the truth,

he didn’t dare to lie.

After all, Peter Zhou earned 20 million when he landed in Aurous Hill.

It is absolutely impossible to leave Aurous Hill now,

so Jacob would definitely find out about this when he returned.

You definitely can’t make up for it.

So, he said: “Well, President Willson, there is a lot going on here today and I haven’t had a chance to pay attention to it.

Let’s wait until I finish what I’m doing and I’ll ask around to see what happens.”

Jacob smiled and said: “Okay, tell me the good news as soon as possible, which makes me happy.”

Parker Ermao closed his eyes with one hand and held the phone in the other.

He said boldly: “Yes, okay, President Willson, have fun first.

I will let you know if I have any news.”

After hanging up the phone, Parker Ermao shouted angrily, sat on the bed and cursed angrily: “Damn it, what is this **** named Cheng doing?

What is he doing!

Selling something worth 20 million for 98,000,

damn Are you still a liar?

You probably haven’t made more than 20 million in your life, you idiot!”

After scolding him, she said to herself without tears: “If I had known this was the case, I would never have tried to interfere with Jacob…”

“This is the end of everything…

I didn’t get Peter Zhou, and I gave him 20 million.

Jacob knows that he still can’t fight with me?!”

“Even though this old man is going abroad now,

sooner or later he would find out.

What if he doesn’t want to be embarrassed and doesn’t ask for anything and comes to me and asks me to give him a bronze Buddha?

Am I ready?”

“I can’t go to Peter Zhou and steal 20 million to give him, right?

For such a large amount, even though it is not a death sentence that will be executed immediately,

at least it would be a suspended death sentence. two years…”