Hero Of Hearts 6751

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6751

Tiancheng law firm.

By this time, most of the public and law firm employees had already left work.

However, several lawyers had just finished a meeting about a case and were about to leave when Jacob entered.

He looked at several lawyers carrying bags and preparing to leave the office and asked: “Are you still accepting cases? “

The chief lawyer smiled and said: “Yes, I will accept it, but it is a bit late today. How about you come tomorrow morning? “

“Jacob said impatiently: “My matter is very urgent. I want you to help me.

Listen to me first and see if it’s worth it.

My offer for this matter is 300,000 If you can, help me get this money.

I am willing to give you 20%!

A goal of 300,000 is neither too much nor too little, if the case is relatively small and relatively easy.

20% of the risk agents have a profit of 60,000 yuan.

The lawyer thought for a moment and then said: “Okay, first you can tell us briefly about the situation and we will evaluate the feasibility of this matter.

If viability is high, we will discuss it first.

If the feasibility is low, let’s talk about it another day. “

“Jacob quickly said: “Okay, okay, here’s a question.

Today I donated 300,000 yuan to charity, but my hands were shaking involuntarily.

Originally I wanted to donate 30,000 yuan, so I wanted to find him. Recover 270,000. “

While he said that, he quickly added: “Of course, if you have the ability to help me recover the 300,000, that would be even better. “

After hearing this, the lawyer laughed stupidly and said: “You want to recover 300,000 people.

It doesn’t seem like you made a mistake donating because your hands were shaking, but you regret donating, right? “

“It is not good! Jacob said frankly without trying to hide it: “I’m just sorry.

It’s not easy for me to make money these days.

There is very little urgency to donate so much at once. “

The lawyer smiled slightly and said: “Sorry sir, we cannot accept cases like this. “

“Why? “Jacob asked subconsciously: “Do you think the chance of winning is too low or that I gave you 20% too little? “

The lawyer smiled and said: “How should I put it?

It cannot be said that the chances of winning are high, but it is also impossible.

As for 20% risk agents, it’s not that low. “

“Jacob asked him hesitantly: “So why do you say you can’t accept it?”

Isn’t this a contradiction? “

The lawyer explained: “We do not accept all cases.

In some cases, we focus on profits and in others, on reputation.

If a case worth hundreds of millions of dollars is difficult, we will find a way to handle it.

But a bastard who keeps a lover for years.

After playing with her body and emotions, he left the mistress and sued the court to recover all the money he spent on the mistress.”

“This type of case is quite high, usually I don’t answer it because they will get angry at me. “

While saying that, he looked at Jacob and said: “We really don’t want to take a case like his,

who immediately repented after donating and filed a lawsuit to recover his money.

These types of cases are generally very important. Social attention.”

Once a fight starts, it will most likely be reported by the media.

At that time, you won’t be able to raise your head in public and we won’t be able to stop.

In public, we will look like a pair of gray grandchildren together in court.

To be honest, for only 60,000 yuan, we don’t want to lose face.

Siaiao Jacob was shocked and said: “What, would the media pay attention to things like this? “

“Especially? “The lawyer asked him: “Don’t things like this always attract a lot of attention?

If someone wins the lottery, there will definitely be a follow-up report about how much money they donated on the spot;

If something happens somewhere during a natural disaster, people will also pay attention to whether community leaders donated and how much they donated: “

“Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as regret over donating to charity and having to sue to recover it.

This is definitely news worth reporting to the media, and all judicial cases require it to be public and for everyone to see the verdict.

Even if you want to hide it, you can’t hide it,

so if you want to fight this lawsuit, you have to be ready for this. “