Hero Of Hearts 6760

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6760

As soon as Steve heard this, he immediately picked up the wine glass and drank the liquor in one gulp. 

As soon as the wine enters your mouth, the taste is clearly different from before!

Although drinking alcohol is also a hot flow, the hot flow is spicy and stimulating, but this medicinal wine has a warm and nourishing feeling after drinking it, every pore feels very comfortable. 

Anyway, this is a blood expeller and heart saver pill that has been upgraded by the medicine pan.

Its efficacy was more than double that of the earliest version, so this fifth pill could at least return Steve to his original condition two years ago. 

This time, he felt the excessive effects of the medicine.

He is no longer tired.

Sitting on the horse, he no longer felt pain in his back or buttocks.

Even his eyes were much better than before there was great progress in terms of degrees. 

Overall, I feel very relaxed like never before! 

Looking at Peter Zhou opposite, his skin was obviously much fairer than before, and even his wrinkles were less visible to the naked eye!

Steve felt jealous when he thought the medicine he was taking was twice as effective as his own. 

It was at this moment that Steve couldn’t help but sigh: “Mr. Wade… I finally know why my father cares so much about your potion… This… what I took was not medicine, it changed back time!” “

 Charlie smiled and said: “Steve, remember one thing, whoever lives longer is the real winner.

If you are lucky, your life is not more than half over, and the days to come are still very long, and you will have unlimited time. opportunity.” Possible.”

Steve immediately stood up and bowed deeply to Charlie: “Master Wade said, I hope I can have the opportunity in the future to always be by Master Wade’s side and listen to Master Wade’s teachings!” … 

While Charlie changed glasses with Peter Zhou and Steve, Jacob found a cheap express hotel and stayed overnight. 

He didn’t dare to tell his daughter and son-in-law that he was returning to China, and he was unwilling to spend more money on accommodation, so he could only spend one night in a quick hotel and go to the airport. tomorrow morning to fly back to Dubai to see Elaine Ma. 

After showering in the moldy and smelly bathroom, Jacob lay on the shabby bed, tears flowing uncontrollably again. 

He had missed many good opportunities in his life, Meiqing Han was one of them, and the Golden Bronze Buddha of the Northern Song Dynasty was the second.

Moreover, he thought about his life carefully, and he never seemed to take advantage of any good opportunities.

He finally entered the calligraphy and painting association and became the executive vice president, but he was deceived by himself. 

Now, he still had to lie in bed holding his cell phone and writing a resignation email to Chairman Pei,

but he also knew that the resignation email was just a formality to express his position, and left a message for President Pei to mediate for him. 

Currently, President Pei is not idle at home.

He found Mr. Orvel’s cell phone number through many inquiries. 

After hesitating, he still called Mr. Orvel. 

According to him, he is Jacob’s boss, and Jacob has a good relationship with Mr. Orvel.

Now she is under pressure to deal with Jacob,

so he should greet Mr. Orvel, otherwise Mr. Orvel turns around and blames himself. ,

Most importantly, didn’t he offend him for no reason? 

He had to explain to Mr. Hong that he had no choice but to deal with Jacob, but for the sake of Mr. Hong’s face and his relationship with Jacob, he would do his best to secure Jacob’s position as vice President.