Hero Of Hearts 6777

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6777

After saying that, the two shook hands politely.

Charlie introduced uncle Pollard Watt, third uncle, and aunt, followed by Duncan Li.

Unexpectedly, when Charlie was about to introduce Duncan Li to Pollard Watt,

Pollard Watt spoke first:

“This must be Inspector Li, known as the light of the Chinese people!

I have read many of your interviews and reports, and I really admire you!”

Duncan Li smiled modestly and said: “I am just a detective, far from the spotlight of Chinese society.

Your achievements and contributions are much greater than mine.”

“Where.” Pollard Watt said seriously: “It is not difficult for us Chinese, and even Asians as a whole, to make money in North America, but it is indeed not easy to be recognized by the entire society there.”

“Overt and covert exclusion and discrimination have only been known to Chinese people in America for many years.”

“You can be recognized by mainstream Western society, which is indeed a light for Chinese people.”

Pollard Watt’s words deeply impressed several members of the An family.

The United States is actually not as beautiful as the media portrays.

In particular, ethnic minorities will inevitably face a lot of unspeakable discrimination in their social life in the United States.

Blacks, Koreans and other ethnic minorities who united to fight would have better luck. even likes to deceive his own people.

The body in this environment can be said to be in a poor condition, trapped internally and externally.

Charlie hasn’t been to the United States many times since he was a child, and he doesn’t know much about the environment there.

But seeing the expressions of deep agreement between these people, he knew that what Pollard Watt said was true.

At this time, Charlie’s grandmother couldn’t help but opened the door and said, “It’s so cold outside. Why don’t you come in immediately?”

“Don’t let Charlie and the guests stand outside all the time.”

Charlie chuckled and exclaimed: “Grandma!”

Grandma nodded, smiled and waved: “Come in quickly, it’s time to eat.”

“Eh!” Charlie answered, and then several people quickly entered the villa.

The old man also came to Charlie at this time and said, “Charlie, how are you in Aurous Hill today?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Good. Aurous Hill is safe.”

Because of this, Charlie introduced Pollard Watt to his grandparents.

Knowing that she was the eldest princess’s schoolmate and good friend, the two elders were naturally very enthusiastic.

The family invited Pollard Watt to sit at the dinner table.

The old man told his sons: “Professor He is your sister’s classmate and friend, you must accompany him well. “Drink some.”

After that, he said to Pollard Watt: “professor Watt, if you have a good drinker, drink more.”

If you are a bad drinker, drink less.

You can do whatever you want.

We don’t have any rules about how to drink at the dinner table.”

Although Pollard Watt rarely drank alcohol, he had a good drinking capacity.

He was happy to see the An family today, so he agreed without hesitation.

The old man asked Charlie again: “Charlie, why don’t you have a drink together?

If not, let your aunt take you back to town later.”

Charlie smiled and said: “No need grandfather, we are all our own people under the mountain.”

“I’ll just ask Orvel to take me.”

The old man laughed and said, “Very good. If you drink, I will drink too!”

The old lady quickly said: “You are still drinking, and your brain is confused.”

“Who has Alzheimer’s disease and forgets about it?”

The old man smiled apologetically and said, “My eldest grandson is here. It’s okay to drink.”

“What’s more, professor Watt is also here, so he should drink two glasses.”

The old lady rolled her eyes at him: “Why do you want to increase the size if you cooperate?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Grandma, don’t worry, let grandpa drink a little. It will be fine.”