Hero Of Hearts 6782

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6782

Having said that, Pollard Watt added: “Regarding the vehicle-engine system, I think this is a top priority.”

“Since I started researching new energy vehicles, vehicle-engine software has been a part that I attach great importance to. “

“In fact, building a new energy vehicle is like building a smartphone. “

“Just like cell phones, you can’t just put the hardware together,

but it is also necessary to match the hardware to the hardware, and the software to the hardware. “

“No matter how good the hardware is,

if the software is lagging,

the car will be like a car with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.”

Marshal said at this time: “Oh, I… It seems that I have always driven fuel vehicles, and I don’t have any requirements for them.”

“Just have a Bluetooth phone, listen to music, and listen to the radio.”

“For this matter No idea.”

Marcus nodded and said: “I don’t understand much either.”

“I have never been exposed to the new energy vehicle industry, and I have never even driven a new energy vehicle.”

After speaking, he asked Charlie: “Charlie, do you understand?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Me? I am not afraid of my uncle’s jokes when I say them.”

“Only after Stephen Tang found me could I really drive a car every day.”

“I never bought a car for myself.”

“The only ones I own are These two cars are two supercars given to me by other people,

and I probably only rode it once, twice, or three times my father-in-law.”

As he spoke, he suddenly thought of Jemima Liu’s Tesla and said: “I seem to have driven a friend’s Tesla on Hong Kong Island,

but that was only for a short time and I had never studied the car’s engine or what is called assist. drive. “

Pollard Watt thought for a while and said with a smile: “How to explain this machine specifically?”

“Did you know Balotelli plays football?”

Except for the old man, several other men nodded.

Balotelli, who likes to think about life on the pitch, is certainly familiar to men who like watching football and men who rarely watch football.

Pollard Watt continued: “In my opinion, he has the best hardware and a third-rate machine.”

“If we could give him football intelligence like Messi or Ronaldinho, he would definitely be a superstar.”

“It’s a shame he’s like this.”

“There is nothing that can be done to cover this shortfall.”

Everyone immediately understood what Pollard Watt meant.

Charlie said: “Because software adaptation to cars and engines is very important,

then we need to build a strong software development team.

A lot of money has been spent, not this little money.”

Pollard Watt agreed: “Yes, that’s what I mean.

Many traditional car companies are transforming into new energy sources, and their car software and engines can’t keep up,

so they all choose to outsource.

It’s basically a mess, just like this year’s copycat phones, and the experience is terrible.”

Well, since you have chosen to dive straight into the new energy path and have very abundant financial reserves,

You should focus on the software aspect. “

Speaking, Pollard Watt added: “By the way, there are also high-precision maps.”

This part is also very important.

Car navigation, assisted driving, and even high-level autonomous driving are inseparable from it.

At this stage, everyone has access to it in the market.

There are several common service providers.

If you have the opportunity, you can invest in one or simply acquire one.”