Hero Of Hearts 6797

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6797

Victoria has been putting forward conspiracy theories about Margaret An’s double for twenty years.

Although Wu Tianlin had gone through various investigations that year,

he confirmed that the woman who was killed with Changying Wade that day could definitely be Margaret An herself regardless of her age, body shape, and skeletal characteristics.

But Victoria didn’t believe it.

He always felt that the disappearance of Changying Wade and Margaret An’s son meant that Changying Wade had been prepared.

There was no way Changying Wade could only save his son but not his wife.

Moreover, the face of Margaret An’s corpse that day was unrecognizable, so he felt that something was fishy.

In the past twenty years, Victoria kept a close eye on the An family, and even placed two carefully selected “scholars” in the An family to find a chance to find out whether Margaret An faked her death and whether she was given to the An family. A golden cicada came out of its shell.

It’s a pity that these two “scholars” have now been completely destroyed, and he no longer has any informants in the An family.

Currently, Wu Tianlin still did not believe the hypothesis that Margaret An was still alive.

He said to Victoria respectfully: “Mr Ying, I feel that Margaret An should have died long ago at Jermo’s hands.

Otherwise, if he was still alive, it would be impossible for him to have no contact with his family.

in the past twenty years, How could someone live alone after her husband died and not even dare to contact her mother-in-law?

“Furthermore, our two scholars have sneaked into the inner circle of the An family for many years, and have carried out analysis and investigation of the An family for more than ten years.

They even used your special medicine on Martel An many times when he was still young. unconscious.

When asked about the whereabouts of Margaret An and her son, Martel An’s answer remained the same over the years.

Margaret An has died and the whereabouts of her son are unknown.”

Victoria said coldly: “If someone can’t help but contact their mother’s family to survive, then Margaret An is not the same Margaret An.

This woman is different from other women.

Her strategy and patience are probably the same as Maria Lin. “

That little bitch can compete with that.”

At this point, Victoria clenched her fists and shouted angrily with incredible hatred: “I don’t think I have more than 100,000 men under my command in the Warriors Den, with stations all over the world.

It’s been more than three hundred years, and I still can’t catch Maria Lin!

It’s all because of his mother. Bunch of losers!”

Wu Tianlin quickly knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: “Master Ying, please calm down.

That Maria Lin is very cunning.

Sometimes he hadn’t seen a stranger for decades.

It’s really not easy to catch him.

We almost succeeded last time, but we didn’t want to leave Maria Lin alone.”

Victoria said sarcastically: “Maria Lin’s escape at that time must have something to do with the mysterious person who saved the An family.

Recall that the Cavalry Guards sent at that time were temporarily transferred from Cyprus to capture Maria Lin.

Maria Lin ran away that time after that,

the whereabouts of the Cavalry Guards sent was also unknown,

but not long afterward, Jarvis was ambushed in a death camp in Cyprus, and his body was not found;”

“There is also An’s family. I almost destroyed the An family twice, but he was the one who stopped it twice.

Last time, even Parker Shengbo couldn’t survive.

This person killed me and the four great nobles of the Warriors Den one by one.

So far, No clues found!

I have led the Qing Dynasty for more than 300 years, and I have never suffered such loss and humiliation!”

Wu Tianlin said in confusion: “Master Ying, this person saved the An family from fire and water twice.

He definitely has a close relationship with the An family.

Could he be Changying Wade and Margaret An’s old subordinate?”

“Impossible!” Victoria waved her hand and firmly denied: “He can force Jermo to destroy himself,

so his strength was definitely far superior to Changying Wade.

How could Changying Wade have such powerful subordinates? , its power is definitely impossible.

It might take at least fifty years to reach this level!

Wu Tianlin said: “Then should we move the An family again to see if we can expel the mysterious man?”